Draft of Her Story: Sarah Palin
Announces What a Future Presidential Campaign May Look Like |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Draft of Her Story: Sarah Palin
Announces What a Future Presidential Campaign May Look Like |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Ya know, I might support a candidate like her. If she runs, she's going to be the only one with the sense to actually attack Obama on economic issues that matter.
She's also the only one I would trust who, if she wins, will clean house in all the departments and agencies of the federal bureaucracy. Root out the planted leftists, and defund the left. The others will try to get along, to one degree or the other.
This might turn out to be an election in which I can support a candidate who stands where I do, and is not just the lesser of two evile.
Don't misunderstand me, I love Sarah. Really a big fan.
She needs to NOT run.
Yes, I think she'd be great. Yes I'd vote for her is she got the nomination... But...
1. She messed up when she quit the govenorship. I think that was a big mistake that showed weakness, real or imagined, it did.
B. Women voters are always tougher on women candidates... call it jealousy, judgemental, or bitchy, it's true.
Finally, Yes, she has been vetted to the extreme. She's smart, gutsy, and honest. There is not enough of that in politics these days... But that is completely overshadowed by PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome). The media hates her and too many sheeple out there believe the bad lies way more than the good truth.
She is pals with Perry, she needs to back him and support the tea party and new conservative movement... Winning conservative values and policies that successfully move this nation forward, not just allowing it to coast on the fact that we used to be a great nation and superpower.
There should only be one law. You can only repeal existing laws.
I'm a Perry supporter but I think it wouldn't be a bad idea if Palin ran. She and Perry would bigfoot the annoying little twerps clean out of the campaign.
The survivor, in my opinion, would be decided before the majority of the primaries hit. The left would have pretty well spent itself out on them by then. There would be a speed up I think on Perry's part to recruit and name a Vs. President to run with him. Same with Palin. They'd savage each other of course but it we be done with smiles, kind of the "Bless his/her heart but....." You'd pretty well have a good idea of each candidates metal at the end of it. Mostly I'd love to see RINO's crying in the rain while they get ignored by everyone for 9 months or so.
Let's analyzer Palin's position when she resigned and turned over power to a conservative Lt Gov.
The Alaskan ethics law opened her up to any number of frivolous attacks but prohibited her from forming a legal defense fund. She had already spent $500,000 or about two full years of her gross family income defending herself. Her choice was to beggar her family or resign.
IMHO, anyone who made any other choice in that situation is too fucking crazy to be president.
Out of decency, we should all counter the spin whether we are a Palin supporter or not.
Freddie Sykes
After hearing what I thought was a great speech in Iowa, I read numerous accounts on right of center blogs telling me it was vapid, vague and inconsequential.
I particularly refer to Ace of Spades and the thrashing he gave it. I wondered if we heard the same speech.
This article says exactly what I felt and that it was a prelude to her announcement. I love the way she has both sides of the media twisted in knots.
As for the oft repeated "she's a quitter" because she resigned as governor, it's BS. People that mouth this crap, whether our side or theirs', have bought into the meme of the left dominated media. Shame on conservatives.
When she accepted McCain's offer to run as VP, her approval rating in Alaska was 88%. After REgressives sent 5,000! dirt seeking reporters up there looking under rocks for something, ANYTHING and found nothing they resorted to what they always do. Attack her personally with the most vile and hateful insults I have ever heard.
How in the hell Todd hasn't laid out the likes of Maher, is a story of self restraint I will never understand.
Anyone that thinks she quit the governorship because she just have the mettle couldn't be more wrong.
This is one tough woman and the GOP elites and REgressives know it in their bones. It's why they are scared to death of her, they've seen what she did to them in Alaska and they know she represents real change.
Well said; Don't buy into the leftist meme that she's a quitter.
In addition to the 6 figure bill to defend herself from those BS suits the state was also paying it's attorneys to investigate the BS. She resigned for the good of the state and her families survival.
Look at her e-mails- OMG She's a profession Christian that wants to wipe out the Corrupt bastard's club!
Well, she did where her husband's Arctic Cat jacket when it was 20 below, almost as bag as hobnobbing with unrepentant terrorists.
K-nine: All of this anti-Palin crap has two ultimate sources.
Lefties that are shitting their pants in fear.
Corrupt limousine RINOs that are shitting their pants in fear.
Don't join the pants shitting club.
All this I realize. I do... I have nothing but respect for the woman, I just call 'em like I see 'em.
My favorite quote is "No one ever went broke overestimating the stupidity of the average human being" PT Barnum.
That goes double for politics.