Your Time is Up 'Crats |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Your Time is Up 'Crats |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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Republicans now have a clear path, under Reid Rules, to repeal Obamacare with a bare majority of the Senate in 2013. No filibuster.
Yay for our side, would sayeth this board. Not quite. I can see Robert Byrd rolling in his grave, for say what you would about him, he was always for protecting the Senate. This cheap move by the Nevada scoundrel Reid belittles the Senate for a petty political ploy.
No filibuster, no Obamacare, it's all good? Obamacare is going away no matter what. But for the Senate to become another House endangers the Republic in ways yet unforeseen.
The Nevada Tea Party should reassess: They put up some jamoke instead of a real candidate last year to go against the easily beaten Reid. I mention this so that the anyone-but-Romney crowd can take note.
Yeah, but consider, if all those rinos who spent all that time bad-mouthing that "jamoke" had supported her instead, Reid wouldn't have been there anymore and this wouldn't have happened. So let's put the blame where it really belongs, and that ain't on the TP folks.
I would rather have someone who beats a Tea Party in office than a RINO.
RINOs make matters worse, because they impugn the credibility of conservatives and thus our efforts to turn our country around.
It wasn't her fault. Reid not only had financial support from the casinos, they ran ads in Nevada for him. The unions supported him and that was huge. For example, in Las Vegas, the Culinary Workers Union got lists of voter roles, and bused Democrat members to the polls on election day. Then bused them back. The hour they were gone, they were paid for. His Republican opponent never had a chance.
If you happened to catch Wayne Newton on FoxNews just before the election, he allowed as he was for Harry Reid.
He knew who was going to win, no matter that the polls had Sharon Angle ahead by a comfortable margin. Why? The polls somehow didn't catch the workers at home? or they don't have land lines? or they don't have cell phones either? or they were TOLD who to vote for and WHEN to vote. This was machine politics carried to the extreme.
The only way to beat it is to get out the more conservative vote @100% {plus...} and make the conservative candidate appealing.
I *think* there were some 'irregularities' in Las Vegas, but being 2k miles away, am just proposing there was...
Anyway, Harry Reid & Son have some shady deals that should be brought to light of day. Perp walks, anyone? I'm up for it!
tom, the Los Angeles times did a series on the Reid family mafia (example). Nobody in law enforcement or congress cared.
Reid will just change the rules back before the Republicans come in.
Annoyed White Male