Thursday, October 13, 2011


Today's Incite

Inciting to riot

A memo from New York Sen. Chuck Schumer, the third-ranking Democrat in the Senate, suggests that his colleagues blame Republican opposition to President Obama’s jobs bill on “Tea Party economics” and warn the public of a coming “Tea Party recession,” should the jobs bill ultimately fail. [Full]

Where have I seen this before - Oh, right.

Democrats Subvert War Intelligence; Democrats seem willing to sacrifice both bipartisanship and national security in their attempt to use the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence as a political weapon

Chucky's plan (Democrat Senate Rejects Obama's Job Bill, Ahem) is another Molotov cocktail  placed in the hands of  rabble already inflamed by the likes of George Soros, the Tides Foundation, Code Pink and Michael Moore.  Rather clearly a case of the psychopathic "If we can't have her, nobody can" strategy that drives today's Democrat Party. Can there  be any hope of rapprochement when the President supports (fuels) mindless mobs, and the Vice President threatens rape if they don't get their way?  Click-click.


Chuck Martel said...

You say you want a revolution . . . .

When they come for me and mine, I hope they remember to pack a lunch -- 'cause I'm hungry.

Anonymous said...

Well, Chuckie, I've got Tea Party ammunition -- FMJ and hollow point.

Brigadier Major Mike

Skip said...

Loadin' up some more .308s here Boss.

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