Thursday, October 27, 2011

Keller's Shootin' Classes

I have it on good authority that

Kim du Toit is also teaching this class...

make sure to catch the last 30 seconds

El Jefe


Anonymous said...

Miss the Nation of Riflemen...
Hope he is doing well.


Anonymous said...

I still wear my "Nation of Riflemen" t-shirt to all the gun shows ; ) > SMIBSID

Anonymous said...

Indeed, I do miss Kim and Conny. Anyone have any idea how they're doing?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

He posts stuff here vicariously from time to time. Kim went back to school and joined a fraternity.

Anonymous said...

Wow Frat boyz have changed


molonlabe28 said...

This ad should have the same effect as the JBS underwear ad.

I miss Kim and his website, too.

I attended his NOR shooting event in Texas a few years ago and I still wear my NOR shirt (No part of our rights under the Constitution are negotiable ... I'm off to the range.

Mile 66 said...

Just yesterday, I came accross his essay "The pussyfication of the western male". Of course, I re-read it. It's truer than before! Since all of his (their) websites are down, I found it pasted in someone else's forum. Look it up!

JohnW said...

Count me among the masses who Kim and Connie as well. Is there a petition going around?

DougM said...

Kim's frat is Gotta Kappa Perp.

Kim said...

LOL at all of you. I'm fine, The Mrs. isn't, story at... well, never. I'm done with that stuff.

By the way: if you see the P-essay anywhere, please tell whoever's posting it to take it down, because they're infringing on my copyright -- I have given NO ONE permission to post it. Regardless of how much people enjoy it, it's not in the public domain. Or else send me an email telling me where it's posted, and I'll get onto it.

Unless you agree with the OWS people, who think that all property belongs to the collective... in which case, I don't want to talk to you.

And now, if you'll excuse me... I have Integral Calculus homework to do.

Anonymous said...

Kim , years ago you posted a pic of my kids standing in my target range barefoot , and smiling ! Tomorrow my daughter is bringing some of her girlfriends from college down to do some shooting . I was trying to decide what to pull out of the safe for them to play with , in your honor , I'll break out the 6.5X55 Swede ! I recall your fondness for that particular gun . You are missed Sir , and I hope all is well in your world . I went through withdrawals when you pulled the plug ! "NOW IF YOU'LL EXCUSE ME , I'M OFF TO THE RANGE" ; ) > SMIBSID

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