MIB? |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
MIB? |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Or both?
Considering that almost everything Von Daniken wrote has been debunked (he lied, a lot), it's mostly crap. The History Channel, alas, had run out of material, and aliens/UFOs keep the ratings high.
They could just run reruns of Kenneth Clarke's Civilization series, or even the ghastly Simon Schama's nonsense, which is at least quasi-historical, but no: let's just pander to the superstitious and credulous, rather than teach actual history.
HC is owned by ABC, after all. Why should we expect anything other than crap from them?
I coined the term "Hitler Channels" in 2002. They comprised the (many) History, Discovery, TLC and other cable channels that relied heavily on WWII themed content.
As far as Erich von Däniken, I never read his books, so I don't know the particulars. However, the numerous cave drawings and landscape phenomena are open to interpretation, but they unquestionably exist.
Third, I myself am an alien! Yes, having gained entrance to your planet through a wormhole in Louise Brooks's crotch.
I don't believe you, Rodger. If you were ever in Louise Brooks' crotch, what reason could you have for ever going anywhere else?
The reason for all the BS on the Hitler Channel is simple. It's run by a bunch of A-holes who want to make money and they realized that old Nazi newsreels aren't cutting it any more.
erich-von-daniken is a con man and despite the fact he out and out lied, his books are best sellers in multiple languages.
Think of him as a democrat and anything he believes is therefore suspect.
The Hysteria Channel... Ancient Aliens: What a waste of air time!There is so much history ignored. How about having Victor Davis Hansen walk us through the history of the war between Sparta & Athens or tell the tale of Xenophon and the 10,000? Discuss the distribution of the olive tree from Portugal through out the Mediterranean and discuss how it completely changed the way ancient and modern people lived...
Or discuss why the chrysanthemum flower was the royal emblem in mosquito plagued ancient Japan.
Just Sayin...
Yes, the History Channel went South when it was acquired by ABC/Disney. Same thing with ESPN, only those fucks have a virtual monopoly. I hope those "gentlemen" get choked out by the conference networks.
Celt, I said that's where I gained access; the wormhole's exit. Didn't say how long I stayed in that particular spot either, but I don't imagine it was longer than 3-4 minutes. Sigh.
We have MIB going about in pairs quite a bit around here; they're called Mormon missionaries.
Old joke: The Jehova's Witness kid rang the doorbell and I asked him in, sat him down and poured him a cup of coffee. "What's on your mind, Sonny?" I asked.
"I don't have an effing clue" he said. "I never got inside somebody's house before."
Sir H the Comet
Maybe this...
--Sapo mal
I blame von Daniken's revival on the schools. They teach junk science nowadays, the better to prepare future generations to swallow Al Gore's global warming and any other fashionable pseudo-scientific crap.
Kids nowadays can't tell fact from fiction.
holy crap! More proof
SETI is just a facade instead of us monitoring the solar system they've been tracking our every move online.
I just hope they don't come back with their cosmic version of Orkin.
Same old shit.
Something new and interesting makes money by not being the lame product of the usual dumbasses ...
So the usual dumbasses buy it up and turn it into the same old crap they peddle, and people stop watching it.
The usual dumbasses absolutely cannot admit that they are the problem.
Mormon missionaries? Sure they aren't Gods on Bikes? ;)