![]() Man's Story |
MoSup |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
![]() Man's Story |
MoSup |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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You are not alone, Rodger. I'm also getting very tired of stinking politics. Not too long ago we were all very enthusiastic about the upcoming elections, but now, not so much. Why, you ask? We were all riled up because we thought we had found people who could fix this mess we find ourselves in. People we could put in office who actually cared what we wanted and who we could believe. Who believed in this country and, like us, wanted it to continue to be great.
The Media and the pundits have worn us down. They have told us, over and over, why the people we like cannot get elected. That only the polished, drilled, groomed, plastic cut-out politician who mouths lots of pretty sounding platitudes full of nothing can possibly win a modern election. The very type who got us into this mess and who we can count on to continue in the same vein.
We lost our drive when we began to believe them, but it wasn't the pundits that convinced us of the futility of our cause. It was our co-workers, our neighbors, our acquaintances, maybe even some members of our own families - the people we know. I call these people The Great Inattentive. Rush says they are the people too busy living their lives to pay attention to politics. These people listen to the sound bites on the sNooze and swallow it whole without ever taking the time to think any of it through.
For example I have a friend who is running around telling anyone who will listen how spiffy Romney is. When I ask him why, he spits out a load of sound bites straight from the latest round table discussion on CNN. If I press him further, he has no idea what Romney plans to do on any issue when/if he gets into office - and neither does anyone else. That's why I don't like the guy.
These are the people we have to reach and it's going to be a long, arduous, uphill slog with in full kit. Most of them are ill educated about American government and have decades of liberal agitprop clouding their view. Top that off with their general unwillingness to learn and it gets very hard to hold any hope for this country.
So I am also tired of stinking politics and can really appreciate some silliness, too.
Well put Grin, this election is going to be a long slog thru the blood and guts - their blood and our guts. It takes guts to hold your ground and NOT believe Rove and his ilk. To hell with Karl Rove - may he have warts and sores for the rest of his miserable life. I never liked the guy and now, that gut feeling is being confirmed.
Romney is the quintessential smarmy little bastard. He looks pretty, sounds good and can spew bullshit with the best of them and at one time I actually liked him. The truth is coming to light and look at Day by Day today and you will get a taste of how many flip-flops he has committed. I don't know about you but, I am tired of people just telling me what I want to hear and saying and doing something else altogether.
Herman Cain is not polished, not pretty and certainly not erudite and all these things endear him to me and his simple, common-sense ideas and thinking seem to bring things into focus. His in your fuckin face "smoker" ad just makes me laugh. To hear Rove sputter is music to my ears. Just as has happened before, when certain commenters (or purveyors of dhimmie spewage) are on I mute the tv or change the channel and Rove is now one of those. Anything you are paying him Rupert is money wasted. Nobody is listening and in fact, will work against any candidate he is "helping".
On another note, SNOW SUCKS and I hate winter and now back to your regularly scheduled rant.....
I would say that we trusted our politicians to do the 'right' thing, and they didn't. They have abused our trust, and made things bad enough that we are now paying attention. At least some of us.
Romney is too malleable or, the true meaning of plastic. Perry seems to be more of a career politician, and unable to respond amiably. Cain seems to be what-you-see is what you get. Refreshingly honest in his statements. Newt is Newt, with years of baggage, and the war scars to prove it. The most qualified...
I think that the polished, multi-million dollar campaigns are not going to make the difference this season. Cain and Newt are running on a bus ticket and a shoestring, without the 'staffed offices' in many cities.
ANY of them would put the current pResident to shame. I cannot wait to have someone pin his ears back in a debate, and wrap him up in his un-decipherable, non-sentences.
LOL? /:<
Even in the presence of humor folks are tied in knots over poly-blood-sucking-ticks.
tanks juice
If Herman can get Ms Palin on board, The libs will shit them selves.