How to Tell Who is a “Moderate Islamist:” An Exam |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
How to Tell Who is a “Moderate Islamist:” An Exam |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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B'hai there! - with guns and suicide bombers. Watch out for the taqqiya.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
From Matthew. 'Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.'
Now Christians have their own version of Jews For Jesus. Mazel Tov to you. My ex-gf took me to a wedding at what wound up being a Jews For Jesus Temple/Church. I felt uncomfortable and at times wanted to laugh. My father liked to say a Jew who believes in Christ is called a Christian. Apply as needed.
There is no good nazi,
there is no good communist,
there is no good muslimines.
And the most disgusting slime on the face of the earth is those anti-zionist Jews...
So Emerson, if you're born a Jew, but believe in Christ, you're no longer a Jew? Does Jesus know about this?
Well done Casca
Pretty much. Jews don't consider Christ their Messiah. It's a cornerstone of the religion. If they do they're Christians, or Jews For Jesus if you will. Does Jesus know? You mean the Mexican dishwasher at the Olive Garden? I'm not sure.
I have met Jews who believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah. They call themselves "complete Jews."
Okay folks, time for some learnin' for you.
From a Jewish perspective, a Jew who professes another religion (whether Christian, Muslim, Pastafarianism, etc.) is still considered a Jew, but what he professes cannot be considered Judaism. Mainstream Jews reject such people because, in general, they attempt to coopt other Jews into their foreign (to Judaism) beliefs.
This doesn't mean that a so-called "completed" Jew is not still Jewish, but their belief is *not* Judaism, but some other (IMHO, heretical) belief.
In Jewish Law, such a person cannot be counted in a religious quorum (a minyan), but must still be treated to a proper Jewish funeral, if they die. There are some other differences, but the hope is that they will come to their senses, throw off their evil inclination, and return to their Jewish roots.
informed rational freedom loving people have all the reasons in the world to fear islam or chrislam or whatever it is called...
the twin fogs of political correctness & ignorance must be dispersed before western society better understands this menace. even a brief review of islamic theology & history quickly exposes the deadly roots of this evil ideology.
Mohamhead was a 7th century murdering warlord who rose to power on a river of blood surrounded by thugs and gangsters using intimidation, violence, deception and trickery to expand their criminal empire while mercilessly suppressing and killing their opponents and enriching themselves on stolen booty.
The evil koran is a collection of sayings and speeches by this diabolical madman claiming divine guidance from some mythical sky-god which has inspired generations of crazed fanatics to abhorrent behavior resulting in historys worst ever crimes against humanity starting 1400 years ago and still continuing even today.
Islam is just another fascist totalitarian ideology used by power hungry fanatics on yet another quest for worldwide domination and includes all the usual human rights abuses & suppression of freedoms.
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