Thursday, November 17, 2011

piffles and pissants

piffles and pissants


Michael Savage is pretty much spot-on in this vintage rant.  I like Savage, but he does suffer from the "looking for anti-antisemitism" disease that's every bit as annoying as the "looking for racism" virus that afflicts so many Liberals.  The video link appeared in a comment about Ann Coulter endorsing Romney.  She also dissed Newt at the same time. 

Early in the week El-jefe sent me a link to an American Spectator piece, "Is Newt Gingrich America's Churchill." No, he is not, IMO.  I loved Newt for his role in ending 40 years of Democratic terror (for a while).  But I see him as a transitional character, more Patrick Henry than George Washington, and one with serious character flaws. 

I addressed one flaw in a post 10 years ago (A strange comeuppance), about his treatment of  Christina  Jefferies*.  Newt had appointed her as House Historian, only to throw her under the bus after Democrats - filthy Democrats - called her a Jew hater. I was shocked, disappointed, and worried about his character.  During the same time, Newt, after it was discovered that a few million $imoleons were missing from the House operating fund, announced that he would let it slide, in an effort at appeasement.  I don't forget this kind of thing.  I disagree with a few  of Ann Coulter's stands, but I have never questioned her character. She wants Romney?  Fine.  Since Palin bailed, and Cain appears to have been pressed and folded,  it doesn't matter to me.  We're in the sh_t.  But that's just me. 

* I later received a kind note from Christina  Jefferies


Anonymous said...

You'll feel better in a little while. Newt's sins are small. You know where to find the man who had none.

Newt has one qualification that puts him above all others. He has the ability and the will to stick it up Obama's ass as hard as it needs to be done. That will translate into a win. We've done the patrician Republican caricature before. It doesn't work.

His other qualifications aren't too shabby either. Good people got hurt? Somebody made a couple of bucks? It's politics baby, not beanbag.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

"...He has the ability and the will to stick it up Obama's ass as hard as it needs to be done. ."

HE had that same opportunity with Clinton and the Donks in congress ... .

Jess said...

Newt isn't mean enough. The Democratic/Progressive barabarians can't be treated with civility. Besides that, I don't trust him. He's been involved with the politics of Washington for too long...just like Romney.

Anonymous said...

In fact he DID pull the trigger. He just wasn't playing from the same position, and Clinton was a gifted liar who gave the media cover to support him. It was that awful Newt who shut down the government, not that paragon of virtue in the White House who wouldn't sign the budget. Odumbass isn't in that position. Newt will put the steel to him on unemployment, big government, idiocy abroad, and outright corruption, and it will stick because anyone who cares already knows it to be true.

I really like the fact that Newt is such an old warhorse. Often times, it's your allies who cause you the biggest problems. Newt's been through all of this, and he's had the time to digest it all since then.


Cheesy said...

"He has the ability and the will to stick it up Obama's ass as hard as it needs to be done"
Well said, Casca, but you forgot the "and breaking it off inside" part.
You're welcome.

Anonymous said...

Still not sure I'm ready for Newt to actually BE President, but I sure would like to see him debate Obama one-on-one. Preferably on Fox, with Limbaugh, Hannity and Coulter as moderators, but I'll take what I can get.


Chris in NC said...

There is no way in hell you'll see a debate between Obama and Newt, JJ. We all know Newt would destroy SCOAMF in no time at all. So Obama would just say no to debates. He's teh iWon. The media will cover for him. Or he'll make the debates so scripted that Newt's win would be diminished.

Anonymous said...

Oh please. Newt!?!?? He makes Mitttt look consistent.

Newt + Nanny on a couch ring a bell?

And that one was only a visual. The rest are legion.


Anonymous said...

A man who admits his mistakes cannot be all about 'himself'. Willard ducks and shuffles about his MassCare debacle 'they changed it...' Well, Duh.
Newt said his tete-a-tete on the couch with the frozen-faced old witch was a mistake. He's said it more than once. Dede Scozz...a in NY was also a mistake. I be thinkin' his 'help' advised him... inadequately.
In any case, in order, I prefer Herman, Newt and Willard. Herman, just because he's not afraid to be a human. "Can't you all tell a joke???" "Is she endorsing me?"
That is FRESH, ... and not frozen{ha!} and is more like what POTUS used to be back when. Before they became celebrity, before senators had chauffeured bullet-proof limo's. {to go 2 blocks...}
We, speaking for myself, need to get the seniority out of the process, as it accretes power not authorized by law, but by Congressional fiat to those who 'hang around'. No more laws they are above, either...
Either way, get out the vote, as the cemeteries {see above} are pretty well populated with voters.

Anonymous said...

Newt lost me when he sat on the couch with that witch and accepted AGW.

As much as we hate the wookie, Newt's dalliances with women do not help him.

Remember, Newt backed down after he fired the crazy lady. If his balls were brass he would have just let her walk.


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