As I
watch the Democrat media complex do their
fake but accurate thing on Herman Cain, I figured some of you
might like to join the fun. Fight fire with fire (Alinsky
11); all's fair in love and war, etc. That's how Democrats
I know what you're saying, "But
Rodge, we don't have to make stuff up; there's too much real Obamunist
crime and fraud to report as it is" And you're
right. But we're talking mental health here. After
unloading your Purdey Side-by-Side on some leftist asshat (unlawful),
photochopping the enemy is the next best catharsis. And it's in
the game rules (Alinsky
13 ). I've taken the original ,
and posted it here
— in a ready to use photochop format. Have at it. Click-click