Wednesday, November 23, 2011



14,000 abandoned wind turbines

As Jimi Hendrix may have put it: “And the wind cries bankrupt…”

Green Crap

Minnesotans for Global Warming report that in the last 30 years, the United States has had 14,000 wind turbines abandoned. Apparently, once the subsidies and the wind run out, these 20-story high Cuisinarts are de-bladed and retired. This means more bats and migratory birds will live.

Don Surber cont



Anonymous said...

Wind turbines are obscene eye pollution and an insult to one's intelligence. Every turbine site I have seen has at least half of the mills in non working condition.The cost can only be recovered via tax payer subsidies as they are so inefficient. The bastards even put some of these ugly towers up near the Grand Canyon.

Anonymous said...

Monuments to the stupidity/corruption of liberals.


Marie said...

Yes, we should stop calling them windmills and start calling them what they are - Stupidity Monuments.

Anonymous said...

Occupy windmills!

Kim said...

RAK, it's even worse than that. According to some govt dweeb in CA, only about half of the turning windmills are generating current. The other half aren't generating electricity, but are kept turning to maintain the fiction that they are.

Anonymous said...

Det cord windmills!
Kim I am not surprised. Monuments to Leftest theft.

whitestone said...

The new thing here is that auto dealerships are installing them for advertising purposes... I've seen the one big one at the north end of our beltway spinning happily away during, practically, a dead calm. Just a big fan saying look at meeee, I'm so greeeeen!! oh, and buy my cars...

hmpinney said...

how come virtually every windfarm reports eventually include "cost overruns" "failure" and "shutdown"? just wondering.

Anonymous said...

I'm in favor of using wind power when and where is makes sense. It does not make sense on a big scale. Those big wind farms are too expensive to build and maintain, in addition to the too-optimistic predictions used to justify them.

Wind and solar can work very well to supplement grid power on a small scale when generating at the point of use. I'd hate to see wind tossed completely because of the failure to work at large scale.

Annoyed White Male

Steve in Greensboro said...

Wind turbines provide a nice buffet at their base for coyotes.

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