A New Year Blah Blah Blah |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
A New Year Blah Blah Blah |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
I got the same disease Rog. My doctor sez it`s caused by being a board member on my county Tea Party. I asked, "What should I do?
He paused (he is a former Marine, like me...), and said, "Well, you ain`t seen the real pain; prolly 10 months of real bad pain, BUT, after that my diagnosis is: if the pain goes away, celebrate w a whole bottle of Evan Williams Sour Mash Whiskey 1783! If pain doesn`t, do the same thing & then start a Revolution and build lots of prison camps in the Nevada f***ing desert!!!!
In keeping with the, well, semi-invented aircraft and WTF is 0bama trying to do theme, try reading this article:
Sounds to me like the spirit of Darlene Druyun is alive and well at the Air Force--'cept I wonder who's getting the kickbacks this time?
I too have been awaiting Norm's latest.
A Simple Multiple Choice Exam
Instructions: Choose any two.
1. Be well informed.
2. Believe in America.
3. Vote Democrat.
PS - May the Great Hoo Hoo crap in your garden so that all you love will flourish and grow in the new year.
Just knowing you laugh your ass off makes me very happy!!
Norm. :)
either Democrats and Liberals and Republicans win, or America wins. Not both.
[Disagree? Then how come not one of those red-rubber-nosed, big-floppy-shod "R's" has said even a tenth of what Bill Whittle or Mark Steyn has said? Ya can't fix a problem without naming it.]
Actually, the prosopography [tks for the new word!] does look exactly like that; only with imbedded spangles, glitter and squirrels. Yanno -- shiny objects and "Look! Squirrel!"
It's only purpose is to obfuscate -- and that just barely -- the picking clean of the corpse of a once great nation.
If we want Freedom, we're gonna hafta stand up.
Happy Noo Year -- Same as The Old Year...
Ha Ha e-c, I have extra Zolofts!
Hmph. My Uncle is working on Happy Daze Syrup™ 1 tsp a day is all it takes. He's gonna be a gazillionaire!!!