Sunday, January 29, 2012

Barack Obama is trying to make the US a more socialist ...

Barack Obama is trying to make the US a more socialist state


What was it everybody used to say about the United States? Look at what’s happening over there and you will see our future. Whatever Americans are doing now, we will be catching up with them in another 10 years or so. In popular culture or political rhetoric, America led the fashion and we tagged along behind.

Well, so much for that. Barack Obama is now putting the United States squarely a decade behind Britain. Listening to the President’s State of the Union message last week was like a surreal visit to our own recent past: there were, almost word for word, all those interminable Gordon Brown Budgets that preached “fairness” while listing endless new ways in which central government would intervene in every form of economic activity. 
[London Telegraph]

Nothing to add here boss.


Anonymous said...

Would someone please hit the reset button ? ; ) > SMIBSID

I-RIGHT-I said...

I'd only add that it's bullsh*t. We are the ones lagging by ten years. Everything that's gone wrong with our culture, politics, philosophy and theology sprang from the filth of Europe. The one and only time we led the pack was our revolution. The shit eating French took it turned it ass backwards and called it "Enlightenment". Fuck Europe and Great Britain, we should have allowed Hitler and Stalin to split it up.

Ok, maybe not but you get the idea.

El Jefe said...


Did you forget to 'X' out trying?

Just sayin'...

WR: droge

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there a reason we left Europe?

DougM said...

Actually, I'd say Obama's taking us back 100yrs to the proto-fascist Progressive movement.
Most folks don't know that socialism, fascism, and progressivism have common roots.
Frankly, I don't give a flying fig which statist sect we're talkin' about, they are ALL enemies of freedom and individualism; just 18thC-style theocracies with the state as their deity.
The Enlightenment was supposed to lift us above and beyond all that — the US followed Burke, and France followed Rousseau — you know, reason & law vs the mob.
The Democrat leadership (being Rousseau Progressive) appeals to the mob by using envy, simplistic emotional symbols, and the promise of an Enlightened Despot. It's a dictatorship in the making.

Anonymous said...

Obama told you he was Lincoln, he has now made us used to the executive authority and now he will rule without interference of congress or the senate just like ole honest abe.

But take heart, America still leads the world in the most-american cultural identity; apathy.

We are American, we are on the road to hell and we could not care less. We have our egos, our baseless opinions and a bunch of new consumer products. We are above politics.

Anonymous said...

This is all very depressing. USA goin down the tubes and all. But as I am older than dirt I am kinda lookin forward to the big fight. Gonna be a glorious battle. Win or lose we gotta stand up and say Enough.
pissed off x

Anonymous said...

Are my eyes getting worse, or are those kids just drawings of kids drawing on the wall? Art imitating life.

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