Thursday, February 16, 2012

The living hell of a kitchen remodel

bits & pieces                     


Res Ipsa Loquitur

See this?  It's a stripped down kitchen waiting for The Destroyers (whom are now arrived). We're undergoing Do-Over II (the last was 25 years ago) ostensibly to make selling the place easier.  In fact I suspect it's because MoSup hated the cabinets. At any rate, what a royal pain-in-the-ass for the next 10 days (promised).  No access to running water (except the bathroom sink), or oven, or stove top.  This is the third text I've writ for this post, the previous two zapped by turned off circuit breakers. 

A meteor strike would have been a blessing.  Really. We could take the insurance money and move to Bermuda.  Well, no.  When we do overcome inertia and sell;  there begins the  discussions about where we move to?  My choice really is Bermuda.  Or one of those South American countries where all the retired  postal workers move to, and live like kings.   Her choice is someplace within a 20 minute ride to the kids.  The thought of  selling a house in this socialist pisshole, only to stay here, has my sack all shriveled, and teeth itching. Even worse is what comes next, after I post this. Reading the latest news about the Obamacy, and finding  the bastids still doing what they do.  (Versions one and two of this post were much better, and more sanguine).


Anonymous said...

Condolences, Lebowski.


leelu said...

Two words:

Costa. Rica.

Down by Manuel Antonio...

Anonymous said...

Have 60 wooded acres in a county with no traffic lights down here in Virginia. Grocery, hardware, farm supply and Doc in the Box just 3 miles away.
Be glad to sell you a parcel.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

The "discussions" will continue until morale improves.

One could only hope......

Sir H the (been there and renovated that) Comet

Anonymous said...

Dick, you must be in moonshine country.


Cracker Barrel Philosopher said...

How about the West Virginia panhandle? I know the DC workers have discovered it and at the state level there are a disgusting load of Donks, but they are mostly of the old fashioned sort that just want your money, not your life.

Anonymous said...

Funny you should mention it , but I ordered 6 gallons of moonshine from a fellow from Front Royal today ! My buddy that lives in West Virginia was bitching at work this morning about all the newbies that have moved in , and taken over . He made an Oxy - acetylene noise maker for the 4th of july , and the newbies called the PO-PO ! They showed up , and searched his yard (GOOD NOISE MAKER) , and everything ! It's getting so a white man can't have any fun . WTF ? ; ) > SMIBSID

Anonymous said...

Yeah... tell me about it. We started that about 15 years ago. Not just a kitchen -- the whole magilla. [The Mister is a builder, yanno] Still "in progress" ...

Ya get used to it after a while. Accommodations are made...
The waterless shower stores the vacuum real well. The porch is kept from leaving by the stone tiles in boxes for the floor... The thought of cooking in something larger than a nook gives me the agorophobic hebbie-jeebies...

I better not sign this...

[that is IF I can read "the words" and get it posted ...]

Anonymous said...

SMIB, when I traverse your gridsquare, I'm going to need some of that shit. Don't drink it all.


Anonymous said...

Very happy down here in Mexico. Safer than most parts of the US, despite what you hear on the news, unless you want to sell heroin or smuggle marijuana. Live much better than in the US for much less--there are a LOT of Social Security refugees down here, there are numerous Gringo colonies down here that you can stay in, although many people eventually move out into the general population. And the people are generally much better than in the US, nicer, more polite, more honest, although of course there are exceptions. The kids are much better behaved. MUCH. BETTER. Not that hard to get started on the language, though any language is very difficult to get good at. Many folks just stay in the Gringo colonies and never need to learn Spanish, especially in the North, because so many Mexicans have learned at least some English.

Great adventure. Great food, great people, great scenery, your dollar will stretch further, and really, much safer than many parts of the US.

Only problem is that you have to jump through a big bunch of hoops to own a firearm legally, and illegal possession can get you in big (expensive) trouble, though generally a few thousand dollars will get you thrown out of the country rather than put in prison.

Senor Sapo

Rodger the Real King of France said...

" I better not sign this..."

I'd know you anywhere - :)

Anonymous said...

Casca - Fluvanna County (from the Huguenot name "Fleuve Anne" for the river through it) might have some shiners, but all I've seen is farms and woods and two small towns. There is a yuppie enclave right on the Charlottesville border, but we don't count them if we can help it.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

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