Thursday, March 01, 2012

Obama Got His Army

Hitler's Mustache               

TSA, et. al.

Res Ipsa Loquitur

In the dead of night, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) administratively reclassified airport security screeners as Transportation Security Officers. The TSA then moved to administratively upgrade TSO’s uniforms to resemble those of a federal law enforcement officer. They further completed the makeover with metal law enforcement badges. Not surprisingly, government bureaucrats at the TSA left out one crucial component during the artificial makeover – actual federal law enforcement training as is required of Federal Air Marshalls.

Interestingly enough, as TSA officials like to routinely point out, their agency’s acronym stands for Transportation Security Administration, not the Airport Security Administration. This fact has extended the TSA’s reach has far beyond the confines of our nation’s airports. Many of my constituents discovered this first hand this past fall as those familiar blue uniforms and badges appeared on Tennessee highways. In October Tennessee became the first state to conduct a statewide Department of Homeland Security Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) team operation which randomly inspected Tennessee truck drivers and cars.  [Forbes: The TSA Is Coming To a Highway Near You]
The unidentified speaker is Michael Savage  in 2010
You can see what's coming, because you saw Obama show his hand, early and often, in 2008.  Vladimir Lenin was more  cryptic about his goals in 1917 than Obama has been.  Tell me why Savage is wrong by calling Obama a dedicated fascist?   Fighting this guy is tough. Like yelling "FIRE" in the movie theater when there is one, but a PSA was just shown warning against lunatics falsely yelling FIRE in movie theaters.

I just looked up the, by now almost somewhat famous SEC. 5210. ESTABLISHING A READY RESERVE CORPS Savage mentions. Here's a screen cap I just took from the .Gov site. Take a second to glance at it,  M'kay? Now look at how Fact Check.Org handled concerned citizen queries in 2010. 

Q: Did the new health care law give Obama a Nazi-like "private army" of 6,000 people?

A: No. Contrary to false Internet rumors, the new Ready Reserve Corps of doctors and other health workers will report to the surgeon general and be like the "ready reserves" in other uniformed services. They will be used during health emergencies.<

That's what we're up against, and I will not invoke the name Goebbels here.  The axiom "In the kingdome of blind men the one ey'd is king" is now  "...  the one ey'd has it poked out."  

The GOP are proving they still have motivation and clout. Alas,  their lone exemplar is putting Bob Dole, I mean John McCain, er, sorry, Mitt Romney on the ballot this November.  What to do?  Well, work to get the Teaparty mojo back, with an added dash of Concord. That pretty much has to happen, but I don't feel any electricity.   A dinosaur-killing meteor hitting Capitol Hill works too, but, you know.   I'll think of something though.  Really.

About the Picture
- I Googled "Traffic Nazis" and that was the first image.


D J said...

And the very first time there is a GOP majority in both houses, and GOP in the White House, this will go away.

Like they did with Amtrak, NPR, CPB, NEA, Dept of Ed, Dept of Energy.

Oh, wait...

Anonymous said...

Waiting for the dinosaur killing asteroid to hit DC is not a plan because it already happened... Obama IS the dinosaur killing asteroid. What's the old saying, when you're playing poker and you look around the table and don't see the patsy? Look around the table and tell me who the dinosaurs are.

Chuck Martel said...

Why don't the feds just get a bunch of rent-a-cops from Ace Security, Inc.? We would get a lot more for the taxpayers' money.

Walt said...

They're officers now? I guess now they have to be saluted. And I have just the finger to salute them with.

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