scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, March 26, 2012
Okay, want to manipulate?
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Call me crazy, but seeing someone out of place, after dark, in my neighborhood, from inside my home, and going outside to see what he's doing there in my gated community doesn't seem beyond the pale to me.
Drawing my weapon, after my nose has been broken by the six foot three inch male on top of me, entirely within the bounds of reason. One could not retreat at this point. Sounds like a righteous shoot.
The amazing part of this story is how tightly the MSM is sticking to their template, and how few and far between the facts are. The shooting actually happened a month ago today, and still as far as I can tell there is no public timeline of the events of that evening. The story is all in support of the hucksterism of the permanently aggrieved. Hell, what time was the trigger pulled?
There is much more to this story. Why did poor Trayvon lay in the morgue as a John Doe for three days? Was he suspended from school? I've heard his father admit to this, but what are the facts of that story? Sounds like all the symptoms of Black American parenting to me. Now it's time to show up for the payday. We shall see. We shall see.
Casca -
3/26/12, 11:49 AM
- Mile 66 said...
They're also showing a mugshot of Zimmerman. Agenda driven reporting. It's part of the plan. Critical Race. Dialectics. Alinsky. Marx/Engels/Mao. It's on.
3/26/12, 11:57 AM
Anonymous said...
So little is official and public, but allegedly:
Martin was on phone with girlfriend about 7:30, shooting happened minutes later.
Zimmerman's now missing pic shows facial contusions, and his shirt, according to police, was wet and grass stained on the back.
Martin was not the skinny 12 year old shown in the news pics, but a 17 year old, 6'3" muscular football player.
Martin was watching sports with his father and went out for skittles.
Question: when Martin did not return, why didn't father raise an alarm. How is it that Martin lay in the morgue unclaimed for three days?
I originally thought Zimmerman was an overzealous hero wannabe, but now I'm leaning to a thug attack, a thug that was out and about and up to no good.
IMHO, we have the pseud black rage to distract from Uhbama foibles and crimes, and an overt effort to rally wavering blacks back to Uhbama.
So much for justice. As long as Uhbama and his brownshirts and propagandists are in power there will be now law, no justice, only rewards for his friends and punishment for his 'enemies'.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
3/26/12, 12:35 PM
Anonymous said...
Still not enough details but this sure is stirring up white vs black rage. Should be latino vs black but what the hell we all know whites are responsible for everything..
wanna be an alien x -
3/26/12, 12:42 PM
Anonymous said...
Where is the outrage over the 90+ blacks killed by other blacks?
I'd really like to see the reverends and the other perpetually aggrieved class types get all het up over THAT for a change...
3/26/12, 1:34 PM
Anonymous said...
We'll have his baby pictures soon.
3/26/12, 1:37 PM
- Mile 66 said...
Yep, cuz this ain't working fast enough!
3/26/12, 2:02 PM
- Sarge said...
Greetings from sunny Sanford fl.
Just like you I don't really know what happened ... but ... one of the biggest lies in the media was that Mr. Zimmerman was told not to follow the little 'black boy' and he ignored them and went ahead and martyred little Travon. Well the worm turns... Here is the uncut 911 call.
You figure it out ! -
3/26/12, 2:18 PM
Helly said...
Another reason why I LOVE Florida, I can legally shoot people here. Of course they have to be bad people, but that's just a minor inconvenience.
I'm forwarding my address to the Black Panthers and offering this reward: I'll give $10,000 to anyone who is able to break down my door. And live. -
3/26/12, 5:36 PM
Anonymous said...
LMAO, Helly = Priceless
Casca -
3/26/12, 6:00 PM
Anonymous said...
What is this shit about him being white? The gunmen, for right or wrong in what he did, is clearly hispanic. Does that fit the narrative?
3/26/12, 6:38 PM
Anonymous said...
OK, so the Obots have succeeded in creating a media firestorm that has taken center stage...but it's a distraction. What are they doing that they want to stay under the radar?
3/26/12, 7:43 PM
Anonymous said...
Juan Williams was just on O'Reilly raising hell about the victim only being 16. You know it's all about the children with these people. But I digress. I had to tell you all that to tell you this: There are plenty of 16-year old boys out there who could whup my ass. Always have been, always will be. Any 16-year old big enough to put me down on the ground thumping my ass would get his ass shot too.
And, I really didn't mean that, any other way than just exactly how I said it.
Sir H the (Browning Hi Power equipped) Comet -
3/26/12, 8:30 PM
- Firehand said...
The NYEffingTimes actually called Zimmerman a 'white hispanic'; have to get 'white' in there on the shooter somehow.
Oh, and Gateway just had a post, the mom is trademarking the name of the deceased... -
3/26/12, 10:13 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Helly, you crack me up
3/26/12, 10:14 PM
- Firehand said...
And after the way he was treated for making a non-PC comment, you'd think Williams would be a bit more careful with blaming people for crap; but oh no, he's following the script exactly.
3/26/12, 10:14 PM
- Firehand said...
And after the way he was treated for making a non-PC comment, you'd think Williams would be a bit more careful with blaming people for crap; but oh no, he's following the script exactly.
3/26/12, 10:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Sarge in Sanford: Mr Zimmerman sounded sooooo charged up and ready to take someone on... /Sarc!!!
Zero-dark-thirty and someone wandering in your neighborhood you've never seen before.. Recent break-ins...
George Zimmerman did not sound to me as if he had any other agenda than protecting his neighbors and family.
The MSM will, no, has turned this into a racist circus, complete with the "Reverend" Sharpton. Jesse is scheduled to rabble rouse in a church this week. Oh, sorry, give a speech/sermon(?).
The nine-month old killed on her porch in Chicago by same-race bangers was ignored. Talk about innocence vs putting yourself into a possibly bad situation... But you don't hear about the baby and others.
I suggest waiting for all the facts to come out before reaching a conclusion. Someone should put a muzzle on Sharpton. He has added nothing but gasoline to race relations since his debut defending Tawana Brawley. Go home, Al.
tomw -
3/27/12, 10:13 AM
Anonymous said...
The New Black Panther Ass-hats are claiming that they will have $1Million dollars to offer for a "dead-or-alive" bounty for Zimmerman....
Isn't it illegal to offer money for the comission of a fealony? -
3/27/12, 1:17 PM
Steve in Greensboro said...
Juan Williams is not very bright. And when he gets confused while trying to recite DNC talking points (which is pretty frequent) he gets whiny, which is annoying.
Between Juan, Shemp Smith and Ted Baxter (8pm weeknights), Fox is almost unwatchable. -
3/28/12, 12:06 AM