Monday, March 19, 2012

Prosthelytizing Atheists

            —   STFU, you berk

We should say the billboard was torn down after one day. now the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission is investigating. one of the quotes was, if this had been Detroit there would have been a riot. what's your reaction when you see this? - MSNBC All Star

Hoes in the Outfield
Q. What do you call atheists who prosthelytize? 
A.  Missionaries. 

That's right. Born again fundmentalist Athiests are every bit as offensive to me as as are the Westboro Baptist Church asshats.  But, Okay. They put up a billboard in Harrisburg, PA  to, according to them,  show how evil the Bible is.  It's an idiotic sign that if left standing would be a daily testament to how asshat these assahts are.  But nooooo!  Listen to this breathless report by some MSNBC twat ."... racially diverse neighborhood."  GAH!


Anonymous said...


23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

A little context goes a long way when it comes to biblical quotes.

djmoore said...

I saw this passage painted on the side of a plumber's van at Home Depot one day.

It's one of my favorite verses now; it helped me on my path to baptism.

Like the Obama Flag, this needs to stay up, so we can identify the Enemy.

Kristophr said...

All zealots are annoying. Including atheist zealots.

Anonymous said...

This is a pathetic attempt to justify Biblical statements. Either the book means what it says or it doesn't.

Anonymous said...

Anon, context can make all the difference you twat.

I had a long week

end of banging hookers


Kristophr said...

Anon: The New Testament supersedes the old testament in Christianity.

If you want to go hector Jews for odd old stuff in the old testament, you are welcome to go hang out on some neo-nazi site.

As an atheist, your obsession over silly stuff in the old testament makes your atheism look weak and insecure to me.

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