The Battle of Athens
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sunday, April 29, 2012
The Battle of Athens
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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- Juice said...
Thanks for this. I was unaware of the story. Wow! If the citizens had been disarmed?
It reminds me of the 2008 CA primary that my husband and I volunteered as poll workers. After polls closed the guy in charge was to transport the ballots to city hall in the presence of a second poll worker in the same vehicle. At the last minute this woman couldn't do the ride along and we were asked to follow the ballot car as witnesses. On a curvy two lane road with double yellows that azzhole took off like a bat out of hell passing on the dbl yellow and left us in the dust. No excuse given.
At the actual election day the electronic machine wouldn't allow me to vote for a R candidate. I complained and was able to use another machine. No surprises there. Moral of the story? Shoot the bastards. -
4/29/12, 2:24 PM
Anonymous said...
Be a Good rally cry in november...
4/29/12, 6:03 PM
Anonymous said...
I am struck by how much Cantrell looks like Al Franken. Pity the citizens of Minnesota didn't have the balls these guys had.
Webrider -
4/29/12, 6:17 PM
- Chadd said...
I was born in Athens. Some of my parents' friends were around for the festivities. One of them said that one of the veterans involved had fought as a Marine across the Pacific and said that nothing Cantrell could possibly do could be worse than what he'd just lived through.
4/29/12, 7:23 PM
- Chadd said...
Webrider - Minnesota's not full of Scots-Irish hillbillies, either. When I was growing up in the 70s, there were still feuds going on dating back to the Civil War.
4/29/12, 7:33 PM
- DougM said...
"Remember Athens, Tennessee"
I may find a use for that.
Thanks. -
4/29/12, 7:43 PM
Anonymous said...
Same sort of thing happend all over the country after the cival war too.
My father talked about veterans coming back from wwii and clean up local politics in a lot of small towns.
not in chicago though. -
4/29/12, 10:36 PM
Anonymous said...
Nope, Minnesota is full of Norwegian, Swede, Danes, and a bunch of Finns and Germans thrown in just for the bloody hell of it. There is a reason for "Minnesota Nice." When Norse feud, it doesn't last for generations. We erase the whole village, sack the monastery, and burn the keep to the ground. Pays to be polite in such company, and that is often misread as soft. Slow to anger, slower to forgive. And Al "Found Ballots in my Buddy's Trunk" Franken is about as Minnesotan as Hillary! is a New Yawker. We do, however seem to have a habit of electing jack-holes to high office. Puzzling. Our current Governor is a mentally unstable alcoholic, and a previous one is a 9/11 Truther with a penchant for feather boas (NTTAWWT). Go figure
Larry in Rochester -
4/30/12, 9:27 AM
- Chadd said...
@Larry - I'll give that one to you! Then again, if you scratch a Scotsman, a Viking bleeds.
4/30/12, 4:36 PM