Monday, April 09, 2012

Holder Vote Fraud - Literally

                                                                                                                 Brietbart is here
Shining the light here boss

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas demonstrates to the Attorney General of the United States, Eric Holder, just why he should be concerned about lack of voter ID laws –Poll Workers on Primary Day in Washington, DC offer ballot to vote... to a complete Stranger. Other voting locations in Washington, DC offer to sign for ballots. Eric Holder has said multiple times there exists no evidence of Voter Fraud.

.. and on, and on, and on, and ......


Jess said...

Is it voter fraud? It depends on what you mean by "is".

Anonymous said...

If anyone here believes a godamn thing Shyster General Holder has to say about anything, or his boss, Komrade Doofus for that matter, then I have a couple of bridges over the Columbia River I would like to sell you, and a a very reasonable price, too.

I trust them both about as far as I can throw a seriously pissed off rodeo bull.

Anonymous said...

It's a shame he didn't pocket the ballot, then wait to film Holder's reaction when he showed up to vote.
I don't know how that bunch of Dem liars can keep a straight face when talking about voter ID. Lots of practice, I guess.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

David said...

Accepting the ballot would have made him guilty of voter fraud. Walking away the way he did just shows how easy it is to commit voter fraud.

Chuck Martel said...

Taking the ballot would not have been a good idea.

He still might get tagged for photography within a polling place.

Rex Dart Eskimo Spy said...

" Faster than you can say Furious"

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