That the Democrats felt such a need to throw Rosen
under a bus suggests to me that they, like the Romney campaign itself,
are guilty both of knee-jerk cynicism in regards to female voters and
of being out of touch. We all know, on the one hand, that there’s a
certain portion of the population that feels not just left behind but
generally dissed by what they identify as the evolution of attitudes
and mores in our era: they’re the Sarah Palin constituency. But these
conservative women were never going to vote for Obama anyway. If you
widen your sights beyond them, the larger truth about American women
(and men) reveals that the deep-seated attitudinal divisions that once
underlay our great national drama over women’s roles, and over working
motherhood in particular, are now largely a thing of the past - blah-blah-blah
start to resemble their dogs, wives their husbands, and Liberals will
look like Judith Warner. Am I right? One look at her tells
you all
you need to know about who she is, what she believes, who she votes for
and that she'll end up banging the guy she meets at the wine tasting
tonight. I have no further comment on this Time Ragazine
article Hilary
Rosen Was Right: Ann Romney Is Out of Touch with Most Women.
If you meet her at a wine tasting, what the hell. Just wear
Disclosure: I look down on Liberal twats of any
gender. Can't help it—
but only in the good way. People tell me that Judith shaves her
legs below the hemline, so there's that.
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