Culture Addressing a bad meme
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, April 26, 2012
The "Native American" meme
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Hey, we gave them small pox and they gave us syphilis. Ain't no do-overs in history.
Freddie Sykes -
4/26/12, 10:50 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I had to look that one up - whoa!
"The exact origin of syphilis is unknown.[4] Of two primary hypotheses, one proposes syphilis was carried to Europe by the returning crewmen from Christopher Columbus's voyage to the Americas, the other proposes syphilis existed in Europe previously, but went unrecognized (right). " Wikipedia
Now I know everything there is to know. Thanks. -
4/26/12, 11:01 AM
Anonymous said...
I'm pretty sure I read that Indians (feather, not dot) can be traced to the Japanese. And they were conquered. Listen to George Carlin's 'Indian Seargents'.
Tim -
4/26/12, 11:20 AM
- Kristophr said...
The fate of the American Indians is a good example of why we really do need border controls.
They had no border controls ... and look at what happened to them. A bunch of foreigners invaded and took their country away from them. -
4/26/12, 11:46 AM
- DougM said...
I'n no immigrant. My Dad was, though.
Indians' folks immigrated some thousands of years earlier, sure; but I don't see how that makes for a moral difference.
If anything, the real lesson is that immigration control is a friggin' necessity. See what happens if you don't do it? -
4/26/12, 11:48 AM
Anonymous said...
Rodger, so that weasel is saying that either the Indians gave us that pox or that, our contact with them made us so self-aware, we realized our "uglies" were not suppose to look THAT ugly.
Freddie Sykes -
4/26/12, 12:01 PM
- Jess said...
Leave? Like hell. I like the buffets at casinos.
4/26/12, 2:13 PM
- Flyfish said...
We didn't immigrate we conquered.
Deal with it. -
4/26/12, 5:39 PM
- Wabano said...
Yes, the winners(the "conquerors") get to re-write the history.
Hitler and Hirohito had the same excuses for the millions' "disappearance"...diseases, malnutrition...etc...
Washington and his Kentucky men thus disappeared the whole human race from a continent...
(in 1850, in the whole system of gulag-reservations, there was only 50,000 indians left out of about 100 millions)...
Now I wonder what the beaners, the niggers and the ayrab's excuses will be? -
4/26/12, 5:59 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
feel better?
4/26/12, 7:49 PM
Anonymous said...
Wabano, you ignorant slug. At least 90% of the Indians died because they did not possess adequate immune systems. Small pox decimated - based on the root meaning - the European population and destroyed the Native Americans. When Fort William Henry fell, the Indians attacked the sick bay and scalped the fresh corpses in the grave yard before heading home to spread small pox among their tribes.
But the question remains: what other outcome could be expected when a stone age culture meets a pre-industrial revolution culture?
And wrt to blacks: the 13 Colonies received less than 10% of the Atlantic slave trade over a 200 year period and now their descendents number 13% of our population. The Arabs imported African slaves for over 2,000 years and their descendents now number 0% of their population. Where did they go? I will tell you: the Arabs castrated the males and murdered the off springs of the females.
Freddie Sykes -
4/26/12, 8:09 PM
- Flyfish said...
I'll feel guilty when the visgoths give back Rome...
4/26/12, 8:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Rough croud Rodger. Break out the rot gut. Dont waste the good wiskey.
Tim -
4/26/12, 9:28 PM
Anonymous said...
Saw a great shirt at the Cherokee Trading post in Clinton OK. Bunch of "wagon burners" on the front with rifles, it said.....
"Homeland Security, fighting terrorism since 1492". -Anymouse -
4/26/12, 10:13 PM
- Wabano said...
"At least 90% of the Indians died because
they did not possess adequate immune systems."
Just what clubfoot Goebbels said about the djooz...
and Andropov's KGB about Karelia Finns, Gulag inmates
and the twenty nations of Mongolian Steppe Nations(Kalmyks..etc...)
that where wiped out by Stalin in WW II
Custer was using the standard American method of genocide,
ordered by George Washington,
waiting for the men to go out then raping,
torturing and killing the children and the women...
except that one time they got flanked and forensics revealed
that they where all killed with shots from the back
as they tried to run away like rapist cowards always do...
just as Einsatzgruppen SS did when caught by partisans...
This nazi thread below to Stormfront or the Aryan Nation Daily, actually...
American Indians had not immunity but Canadian Indians had?
Bug off, Hitler! -
4/27/12, 12:31 PM
- Kristophr said...
Wabano: Lord Howe deliberately inflicted smallpox on the Ottawa tribe ... giving them tins with a small square of blanket from a pox ward inside, and calling these gifts "big medicine". The Capital city of Canada rests on the site of one of the biggest biological warfare acts in history. 15 miles of densely occupied riverbank became a giant ghost town.
The Canadians weren't any better than 18th and 19th Century Americans. They just didn't have as many people to push the Indians off their land.
I can, however, learn from the losing side's big mistakes, and not repeat them.
If you do not resist an invader, you lose to them. This works the same everywhere, regardless of whether the invaders are Visigoths, 18th and 19th Century Europeans, or economic refugees from failed Central American countries. -
4/27/12, 3:08 PM
Anonymous said...
He called me Hitler so I win.
The estimate of the population of the Americas in 1492 range from 5 to 100 million. The estimate of the percent of that population that died from diseases range from 80 to 95%. The French did not export people so that their population density was lower but there were still incidences of half a tribe dying in a single smallpox epidemic. Over half the population of Boston came down with smallpox in 1721 and over 7% died. Measles and the flu may have killed as many native Americans as smallpox. Epidemics disrupted natives food supply which further weakened the survivors.
All of the above can be verified with a little honest research. Knowing history does not make one a National Socialist.
Freddie Sykes -
4/27/12, 7:16 PM
Anonymous said...
In 1919 The arabs still had slaves:
Emir Faisal's party at Versailles, during the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. Left to right: Rustum Haidar, Nuri as-Said, Prince Faisal (front), Captain Pisani (rear), T. E. Lawrence, Faisal's black slave (name unknown), Captain Hassan Khadri.
thoR~ -
4/27/12, 11:56 PM