Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Shariah Infiltration

  In all its ugliness

Being a practicing Muslum is like being "made" into a Mafia family, or being a member in any of various outlaw gangs.   The rules are -
  1. You can't quit. 
  2. You must submit.
  3. Or you'll get hit.
They are a an intractable enemy of any non-Muslim country they get even a toe-hold in.    The have a foothold here. These were all submitted by e-mail over the past 3-4 days.  Had this whole thing writ up on Sunday, then just threw it away in didgust, so I forget who sent them., but thanks.

Res Ipsa Loquitur

  • Wegman's has put up a sign asking customers buying pork or alcohol not to use a particular checkout line when a Muslim teenager is on duty as the cashier. More islamization of the marketplace. This is a pattern.

Watch this.


Anonymous said...

Guess which line Sir H would be using. Insha'Alla, Byotch.

Sir H the (off his meds today and not feeling particularly charitable) Comet

Anonymous said...

An Arab enters a taxi cab in Atlanta, Georgia..........

Once he is seated he asks the cab driver to turn off the radio because he must not hear music as decreed by his religion and; in the time of the prophet, there was no music, especially Country music, which is music of the infidels, and certainly no radio.

So the cab driver politely switches off the radio, pulls over to the side, stops the cab and opens the back door.

The Arab asks him, "What are you doing man?"

The Georgian answers, "In the time of the prophet there were no taxis. So get your ass out and wait for a camel."

Anonymous said...

Back when I smoked I grabbed a taxi at LaGuardia to go to Manhattan. The driver was Muslim. I lit up a cigarette and he told me I would have to put it out as he did not permit smoking in his cab. We went about 500 feet from the taxi stand and traffic came to a stop. I threw the amount on the meter on the front seat, grabbed my carry-on and hoofed it back to the cab stand. He had to go around and get back at the end of the line and wait another hour or two for another fare.


Anonymous said...

Ummm....How about the obvious?

When confronted with a Muslim who objects to handling pork products as part of his job, instead of the store management asking the customer to find a checkout lane with a Christian who won't object to handling pork, why doesn't the cusomter find hisself another store?

skidmark said...

Hey, Anon @ 6:27PM -

Just a thought but how about telling the store they are about to get sued for discriminating against me based on my religion? You know, the one that lets me eat pork?

(Yeah, I know it's only the .gov that can be sued for tat kind of discrimination. But do they?)

stay safe.

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