Saturday, May 05, 2012

Leon Panetta has spoken

but then, what do I know?
"The area of climate change has a dramatic impact on national security," Panetta told the Environmental Defense Fund last night. "Rising sea levels, severe droughts, the melting of the polar caps, the more frequent and devastating natural disasters all raise demand for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief."

Guess what?  Panetta is spot-on.  His mistake is allying himself with AGW. Our earth is rumored to have experienced numerous  (unfathomable by man limited by the  boundaries of our own experience) millennial  transitions from ice to hot . We're talking billions, not millions of years.  Let's imagine one  morning just a few hundred million years ago. When the Earth Environmental Defense Agency  cadre woke to discover they had to redo the maps,  and replace fur parkas with fig leaves. Holy crap! If only they had listened to dinosaur flatulence theorists!

Central to big government- in any age- are ruling class conceit that they understand everything.  And can keep stuff from happening, if only the stupid people will  tithe at sufficient levels to sustain their efforts.  Here, today, we call these people tyrants, communists, fascists,  progressives, or democrats. Gods who will suffer no other God put before them.  Eventually the people have, and will again, tire of their cruel nincompoopery and carpet bomb them.  Until then we must suffer their pious idiocies. Say Amen.


Anonymous said...


Anthropogenic Plate Tectonics!!! Too many people on Guam and it'll flip over!!!!!! NO dancing on peninsulas!!!! aiiieeeeeeeeee!!!!

I really wonder, I do, if these weenies with their Lust for Power Over Others really buy this crappola [hey -- no one claimed they was smart. Just crafty.] or if they just mouth [eww] the gossipel in their efforts to be included in the ranks of the Overs [hey - that's the story of Panetttta's career.]

I really would like to know....

But I guess we never will....


Shayne said...


Anonymous said...

Reunite Pangia!

How can a man in a position of dire responsibility that professes to believe in the fairy tale/political pretext of man made global warming be trusted...

Anonymous said...

He's an idiot. He was torquing the generals the other day about "getting the troops in line" over the Taliban-pissing stuff. That's the kind of stuff, that when you come down on the troops, they all find a way to start doing it. Perhaps it's time to add Pannetta to the National Pissatorium.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

I bet you know the answer RAK ....

Anonymous said...

World cimate? No problem for men and women who can sucsessfully order the daily lives of 300+ million people. Look how smoothly we are humming along!

Kristophr said...

Yea ... and the priest-kings in Apocalypto didn't hesitate to take credit for the ending of that eclipse.

I'm sure that is it was snowing a lot, these "leaders" would be blaming particulate emissions, and demanding new powers to help put a stop to Anthropogenic Global Cooling.

toadold said...

Back in the early 1980's a group of young geologists started an interest group to get the federal government to stop Continental drift. The solution was to install and enormous screw in the middle of the US. I've heard from one of the members who says "We don't have one in Kansas yet, but the one in Washington DC has pretty well stopped all movement."

james wilson said...

Hayek, boiled down--
Our instincts, and the traditions that have survived cultural evolution and serve to restrain these instincts, are in conflict.
The socialist mind can conceive of order only as the result of deliberate arrangement. The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design.

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