Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Surprise, Commies run the mother ship

Vorwaerts the Obamissariat

The Obama campaign apparently didn't look backwards into history when selecting its new campaign slogan, "Forward" — a word with a long and rich association with European Marxism.

Many Communist and radical publications and entities throughout the 19th and 20th centuries had the name "Forward!" or its foreign cognates. Wikipedia has an entire section called "Forward (generic name of socialist publications)."  [Washington Times]

Conservative critics of the Obama administration have noted numerous ties to radicalism and socialists throughout Mr. Obama's history, from his first political campaign being launched from the living room of two former Weather Underground members, to appointing as green jobs czar Van Jones, a self-described communist.

Vladimir Lenin founded the publication "Vpered" (the Russian word for "forward") in 1905. Soviet propaganda film-maker Dziga Vertov made a documentary whose title is sometimes translated as "Forward, Soviet" (though also and more literally as "Stride, Soviet").

The Obamunists are handling criticism of the new "message" in their usual manner—   ridicule.

Gateway Pundit among others have vintage  "Vorwaerts" (the German word for "Forward") displays (El Jefe) .



Anonymous said...

What a great slogan. "Forward! Over The Cliff!"

All DemocRAT lemmings will have one on their volts and GovMot cars

Anonymous said...

Your're wrong. They do get it. They believe they can win with "new and improved" communism. The last 25 years of our lives have been multiculturalism, political correctness, open borders, living document. They absolutely get it, they are here to collect their prize.

Even scarier is the title "Looking Backward". By Ed Bellamy. A huge American socialist player, who was a part of your pledge of allegiance.


Anonymous said...

"[Liberals] never listen to talk radio or watch the TV news. Throw in "never read books" and you have the dictionary definition of a liberal. Being completely uninformed is precisely how most liberals stay liberal." - Ann Coulter
And then there's the ones that Anonymous above is talking about. I couldn't say which are more repugnant, the stupid ones or the evil ones.

Anonymous said...

Ignorant people don't build Gulags.

Wabano said...

"Liberal" vs "Conservative"...

You guys realize that 2/3 of the Anglo-sphere is outside of America and Europe,
where today "Liberal" mean "Capitalist" and "Conservative" mean "Oligarch" "Tyrant"
or supporters of Monarchies or Absolutist strong men like Putin,
like it has always been from dawn of history.

Republicans where labeling themselves Liberals for opposing
the conservative Democrat's project(The civil war)
of abolishing "Habeas Corpus" and reintroducing Bondage
for Catholics, Jews and Germans...like it was for Negroes.

Then we had Noam Chomsky and his bolchevik prostitution
of the human language.

Now, "Liberal" marxists are "blue" and Libertarians and
Republicans are "Red"...
the amazing thing is that you guys are dumb enough
to roll over and go along with that shit!

No wonder O'Bummer is likely to get re-"elected"...

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