and Weasels Trent Lott Now Supports Ceding Maritime Sovereignty to UN
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Trent Lott's still alive
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Trent Lott [actually "Loot"] has long ago rolled over and surrendered any resemblance of conservatism that he was once known for.
Two incidents that all anyone needed to observe that told his conversion:
1. The Strom Thurmond incident where he would've sold his sole to hold onto power, when the dims went after him.
2. When Bubba's Impeachment hit the Senate, "Loot" rolled over like a little puppy dog and allowed the dimoCRAPS to run the entire show.
[add in his disdain for the Tea Party where ever you like as a addition]
Not only is he a rino, he's a authentic scumbag!
Geo -
5/22/12, 11:53 AM
Anonymous said...
Hang 'em. Hang 'em high.
Casca -
5/22/12, 12:34 PM
- Juice said...
I'll agree with a couple of things here: the *spit* and what Geo wrote. Trent and Boner (misspell intentional) two of a kind.
5/22/12, 12:36 PM
- rickn8or said...
Siddown and STFU Cheerleader Boy. Your time has come and gone.
5/22/12, 3:27 PM
- DougM said...
Hence, the Tea Party.
5/22/12, 3:51 PM
Anonymous said...
Although no one here in MS has had a nice thing to say about Lott since he left office I am at a loss to understand either of Geo's 2 points.
1)Lott was forced out as senate leader b-cuz the right would not stand up to the curs on the left.
2) Lott DID NOT "roll over" but voted guilty on Clinton.
The obstruction of justice charge failed with 50 senators (all Republican) voting "guilty"
The five Republican senators who voted against conviction on both charges were John Chafee of Rhode Island, Susan Collins of Maine, Jim Jeffords of Vermont, Olympia Snowe of Maine, and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania.
Telling lies about people you don't like is a tactic of the left... just sayin' -
5/23/12, 12:02 AM
- Scott said...
We Mississippians have been saddled with the likes of Lott and
Barbour for ages. They appear to be good ole boys looking out for the state and it's citizens, but really they are just looking out for themselves. It is time for us to scrape their kind off the soles of our shoes and get rid of the smell. And to think we are the most conservative state, God bless the remaining 49, as they do not know how screwed they really are. -
5/23/12, 7:25 AM
- gadfly said...
Actually, Trent Lott was kicked out as Senate Majority Leader because he elected to "share" power with the Dumbos in 2001. The Jackasses actually were given charge of key committees - an incredibly stupid move that obviously was not reciprocated when the tables were turned.
5/23/12, 9:25 AM
Anonymous said...
Hey Spin, letme help you out with your confusion or lack of memory on scumbag Lott.
Regarding the Thurmond incident: Lott was promising all sorts of mea culpa's trying to hold onto power. For a very harmless statement that he made and the dims were beating him up with. Conservatives refused to allow him to stay because of that. He was severely compromised and was selling his soul trying to stay.
Regarding the impeachment: From the opening gavel the other scumbag "leaky leahey" took control of that Impeachment hearing and challenged the presiding hearing officer [Supreme Court Justice]. Lott rolled over and allowed it, and it just continued to get worse from there. The dims controlled the entire proceeding, from that point on. I can site more if you'd like.
Next time you try to "spin" bring "Marty" with you. I never mentioned any of his or anyone Else's votes on impeachment.
Juss sayin!
Geo -
5/23/12, 12:10 PM
Anonymous said...
Ah yes, reinterpret history and then try an Alinsky #5. How very brave, I had professors like you.
5/24/12, 12:45 AM
Anonymous said...
Purfessors? Is that what they refer to teachers today in grammar school? I knew they were introducing the agenda down to that level, I wasn't aware they moved the titles also.
Spin[No Marty]: This is your very last "lifeline". You'll get no more help from me.
Your bud, Loot:
From the left wing Heritage:
Lott denounced the same U.N. Treaty back in 2007.
Youtube video of Lott:
relevant part starts around 1:33
As Reported on on 30 April 2012
Former Senator Trent Lott Lobbies for U.N. Treaty He Vehemently Opposed
Next: Your Bud Loot
In a stunning double-proned statement in the aftermath of the largest Republican gains in Congress since 1938, RINO Senator Lindsey Graham, R-SC, and former Senator Trent Lott blame Sarah Palin and the Tea Party for the failure to capture control of the Senate.
Perhaps the two RINOS have become certifiably insane...or have indicated the dire necessity for them to leave the GOP altogether--or both.
As Reported by Anthony Martin
November 4, 2010
Next: Your Bud Loot
Former Senate majority leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.), now a D.C. lobbyist, warned that a robust bloc of rabble-rousers spells further Senate dysfunction. “We don’t need a lot of Jim DeMint disciples,” Lott said in an interview. “As soon as they get here, we need to co-opt them.”
But Lott said he’s not expecting a tea-party sweep. “I still have faith in the visceral judgment of the American people,” he said.
Trent Lott on the Tea Party
July 2010
Next: Your Bud Loot
GOP family feud: Tensions over Tea Party
By Kathy Kiely, USA TODAY
Trent Lott explains support for treaty he once said would create ‘UN on steroids’
1d 11h agoYall Politics
Next: Your Bud Loot
A week ago, the consensus inside the Beltway was that Trent Lott would survive as Senate majority leader.
Now, nearly two weeks after the Mississippi Republican made a throwaway comment supportive of racial segregation at a birthday party, Senator Lott's chances of keeping his leadership position are in serious doubt. He has apologized five times, including last night's planned appearance on Black Entertainment Television.
But he appears to be fighting an uphill battle, as a handful of Senate GOP colleagues build their own case for reconsidering Lott's role as leader.
As reported in the Christian Science Monitor on December 17, 2002
In conclusion Spinner.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, they are NOT entitled to their own set of facts.
Put down the Kool Aid! All of the above information is readily available to anyone looking for it, that isn't in denial, of course.
If I were you, I'd demand a refund on the "edumacation" money.
Juss sayin!
Geo -
5/24/12, 12:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Your opinion is duly noted.
Sonny. -
5/24/12, 8:37 PM
Anonymous said...
Yeah and unfortunately for you . . . documented also.
Juss Sayin!
Geo -
5/24/12, 11:34 PM