Wednesday, June 20, 2012

In contempt of congress - what do it mean?

Obama grants 11th-hour Holder executive privilege request

Res Ipsa Loquitur

The question on everyone's lips is — so what does it mean if he's found in contemptby vote of the full House?  Predictably the law is difficult for the layman to understand.  For instance (from Wikipedia)

.Under this process, the procedure for holding a person in contempt involves only the chamber concerned. Following a contempt citation, the person cited is arrested by the Sergeant-at-Arms for the House or Senate, brought to the floor of the chamber, held to answer charges by the presiding officer, and then subjected to punishment as the chamber may dictate (usually imprisonment for punishment reasons, imprisonment for coercive effect, or release from the contempt citation).

But then, under "Statutory Proceedings," and after this Wikipedia citation —
Res Ipsa Loquitur
This article contains weasel words: vague phrasing that often accompanies biased or unverifiable information. Such statements should be clarified or removed. (July 2008)

we read:

.Following a contempt citation, the presiding officer of the chamber is instructed to refer the matter to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia;[9] according to the law it is the "duty" of the U.S. Attorney to refer the matter to a grand jury for action.

We have one instance of an Attorney General of the United States being held in contempt.

Person Subcommittee/Committee Ultimate Disposition
Janet Reno (Democrat),
Attorney General
6 August 1998, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Documents in question were revealed during the impeachment of President Clinton.

That would be a satisfactory outcome here, although I won't hold my breath. In the final analysis, Holder's and Obama's culpability in this effort (F&F) to stage events as a precursor to imposing gun control on us,  is manifestly unmistakable.


Anonymous said...

Call me simple, but IIRC, Uhbama and Holder claimed there was no White House involvement in Fast and Furious, so how does "Executive Privelege" apply?
(slinking back to my dunce corner)
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Firehand said...

"Because I say so!"

Anonymous said...

"Shut Up!" they explained.

Anonymous said...

Holder's nose is rapidly growing to match Obama's ears and 90% of the voters neither know or give a damn.

toadold said...

Oh the fun of seeing photo of Holder in the orange suit is of a low probability, the hearing, testimony, and noise about Fast and Furious is going to cause "a thousand cuts" to the Obamites. A growing number of Dems are not planing to go to the DNC in North Carolina because their districts are tight or have become tight. House hearings on Holder are going to give more of them excuses to turn on Obama in an effort to save their own hides. The thrashing and flailing about of the shrinking MSM rats for Obama will also increase and cause damage. IMHO Obama waited to long on Holder, he should have granted him Executive Privilege 18 months ago or threw him and a cabinet member under the bus about a year ago. Heh, if I was Romney I'd get a video of a Mexican government official speaking his mind about it with Italian gestures.

Skoonj said...

Toadold, if there is a President Romney we may get to see Eric Holder in an orange jump suit. Mexico has already said it wants to put on trial those responsible for Fast and Furious. If, after January 20, Mexico requests extradition of Holder, Romney may be obliged to turn him over.

While we might reasonably expect President Obama to issue pardons to Holder and many others in his administration. However, those pardons are not valid in Mexico.

leelu said...

The good news is, even MSNBC is "covering" it now.

Anonymous said...

The next step is to offer a deal: tell the White House that you would settle for those documents that predate Obama's being informed about the gun running scheme. To respond would enable us to infer exactly when B-HO was aware that his AG was complicit in the murders of Mexican and American citizens.

Freddie Sykes

Anonymous said...

Surprisingly, Boner failed to succumb to Holder's presentation of the "Chewbaca Defense."

Skoonj said...

President Obama and Attorney General Holder are now in the position of saying it is perfectly OK to murder hundreds of Mexicans, and several Americans. That was the result of Fast and Furious. They are witholding documentation on the weapons used in these murders from Congress. This is something Romneygrits needs to campaign with.

Skoonj said...

I was listening to Rush Limbaugh today, and he brought this up in the third hour I think. He said "To learn that the President of the United States had allowed assault weapons to be walked across the border to drug cartels and used to slaughter hundreds of Mexicans. If I were Hispanic, that would really tick me off. Holder lied, Mexicans died."

This is tailor made for Romneygrits to attack with. Use Rush's words, and do it early and often.

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