Thursday, June 21, 2012

Obama’s 20 Most Self-Absorbed Moments

The Obamissariat

Res Ipsa Loquitur

The Rickards Review (the Internet's Preeminent Conservative Blog)  has at least impressed me with this comprehensive list of

Barack Obama’s 20 Most Impossibly Self-Absorbed Moments

Lots of citations and videos at the site, but below —  a brief summary

20 & 19.  Obama writes two memoirs, the first at age 35.

18.  “The election’s over, John.”

There are polite ways to disagree.  There are diplomatic ways to disagree.  And then there’s Barack Obama’s way of disagreeing with Sen. John McCain during a summit on healthcare reform.

17. “I think I could probably do every job on the campaign better than the people I’ll hire to do it.”

16.  “It would be easier if I could do this entirely on my own.”

15.  American soldiers fight for Barack Obama
“those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf.”

Res Ipsa Loquitur
14. Obama as the standard of divine law
When asked to define “sin,” he stated that sin is “being out of alignment with my values,” whatever those are.  So take that, St. Augustine!

13. Announcing the killing of Osama bin Laden
I ...;  I....;  I....;  I....;

12. The State of My Union
managed to reference himself a whopping 122 times, averaging roughly once every 30 seconds!

11.  It’s his country.  We’re just living in it.

10.  “You’re going to destroy my presidency”

9.  Republican Scott Brown’s victory proves voters still love Obama. Wait, what?

8. Killing Osama Bin Laden, The Sequel

7.  Death be not proud… except of me.
We’ve all heard jokes about voter fraud and dead people voting for Democrats.  But rarely do the dead endorse a candidate so explicitly and enthusiastically.

6.  “I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions.”
(Yes, those are quotation marks)

5. Calm the seas?
Yes, calm the seas

4.  The gift that keeps on giving.
President Obama gave Queen Elizabeth an iPod - loaded with pictures of him

3. “We are the ones who we’ve been waiting for.”

2. Modification of other presidential biographies to include himself.
This borders on outright creepy.

1.“Well,” he said “the big difference [between] here and in ’94 is you’ve got me.”


Anonymous said...

What a dick-he's the kid we used tease unmercifully at St George when i was in HS.

This upcoming landslide is going to be so delicious.

Anonymous said...

OK, it's time for me to release this into the wild, but it's a Casca original, so remember who gets the royalties.

This is the Butterfly McQueen/Prissy presidency. Remember in GWTW when she told Scarlet that she knew everything about birthin' and raisin' chillen? Then the classic moment as Atlanta burns down around them where she hysterically confesses, "I doan know nuthin' 'bout birthin' no babies Mizz Scarlet." And Scarlet roundhouse slaps her in the chops? Well, the voters are Scarlet O'Hara, and that stupid incompetent fuck in the White House is Prissy. We's just waitin' on the Yankees to come and burn Atlanta.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

I'm on board Casca. Allow me to suggest that in your rendition, Prissy wears what was Scarlett's dress.

Anonymous said...

That is the second best skit ever on Carol Burnett. Siamese elephants is number one!

Bill W. said...

Recently, when questioned about the security leaks, he said, "The assertion that MY White House would leak this information for political gain is..."

MY White House? Would any other President make such a statement?


Anonymous said...

Yanno -- in a Just World, this ...individual would receive a swirly. For each of these.

...that was raaaacist, huh?


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