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scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Monday, July 16, 2012
Presidents in Uniform
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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Anonymous said...
Hi Rodger, check email - I just sent you pics of Harry Truman, Captain, Battery D, 129th Field Artillery, France, WW1 to add to your collection above.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
7/16/12, 11:30 AM
I-RIGHT-I said...
Harry was a Progressive and a crooked ratbastard. Let's have one of Mittens in uniform shall we?
7/16/12, 12:37 PM
- Skoonj said...
Harry Truman was also a member of the KKK. Maybe we can have a representative picture for him.
7/16/12, 1:02 PM
Anonymous said...
Wow Rog, you're on fire today. Great posts.
MM -
7/16/12, 2:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Your missing the point O. hussian obama is wearing g the "uniform " of our nation's enemy...and was busy smoking dope at the age when most previous presidents were serving. 'cept for Slick Willie that was marching arm in arm with NVA types in Cambridge protesting the draft and loathing the military. Mitt was going to university not smoking dope, and donating his inheritance to charity...
7/16/12, 4:01 PM
Anonymous said...
Easy,y'all. At least Truman did wear the uniform, served under fire in actual combat, and did not accept and brag about an unearned Silver Star like Johnson, nor negligently lose a ship and womanize like JFK, nor fraternize with the enemy and denigrate America like Carter. Truman, like all the rest except Uhbama and maybe Carter in some respects, was an American, was of America, for America and loved America.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
7/16/12, 5:39 PM
Alear said...
Well-spoken retort, dick.
7/16/12, 7:22 PM
Anonymous said...
Truman also had the experience of having several real jobs, and ran his own business and made his own payroll, unlike the current President, for whom the buck always stops over there someplace.
Sir H the Comet -
7/16/12, 8:42 PM
- CDR J said...
IIRC, Kennedy's PT109 was the only warship in modern times that was sunk by ramming.
7/16/12, 9:20 PM
Anonymous said...
I've wondered for years if JFK's crossing the bow of the Japanese destroyer wasn't an MTB version of playing chicken. Maybe PT boat guys did that to show how close they could get crossing the bow of an enemy ship.
7/17/12, 6:10 AM
Anonymous said...
JFK's crew were asleep, just floating in the current, engines secured. If you've ever been at sea, the only sound you might hear would be the bow slicing through the waves. Very quiet. Further aft, the blowers, and then the churn at the fantail increase the noise. It is really easy to not hear them coming.
It does not pay to judge by todays standards. However, LBJ earned a silver star being a passenger in a plane. He sure left a lot of things to clean up after his administration was done. Bill M. belongs in jail, but will never see the inside. Head Start and all the others have burned through Billions with nothing to show except a lot of one-parent families, leading to a lot of jail time for un-disciplined youth. With no father figure, they remain teens until they are gunned down, or go to jail. Teenage elephants have the same problem if there is lack of a leading bull to show them how to behave. Moms can only do so much, and LBJ is a direct enabler of bad behavior. Yeah, I discriminate against the waste of lives that 'government NEA un-education' and poor parenting produce. Crappy teachers ruin kids for life. Same with crappy parenting. I'm a bigot because I believe that to be true. Waaaay off topic...
tomw -
7/17/12, 11:28 AM
Helly said...
That's just beautiful, Rodge. This is why you are TWGB.
7/17/12, 4:01 PM