Monday, August 20, 2012

5 more things to blame on Mitt

Res Ipsa Loquitor

In an impromptu meeting with reporters outside Big Bob’s House of Botox, California Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi blamed corporate raiders such as Romney’s Bain Capital for the 8%+ unemployment rate that has persisted throughout Barack Obama's presidential tenure. When told that Bain Capital was in fact a net creator of jobs, having added well over 100,000 new positions to the economy, the former speaker replied, “That’s not what the ghost of Susan B. Anthony told me.” [More]

I was going to file this in Silliness, but it's not so, .is it?

Ron Metzger



TimO said...

It's not surprising that Pelosi comes out with statements sounding like fantasyland, when she LIVES in fantasyland.

Anonymous said...

Susan B. Anthony was telling her to stop murdering the unborn. Botox Nancy thought she said the un-Bain.

Freddie Sykes

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