scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Dennis Miller on Leno
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
Someone please tell me why Dennis Miller didn't give the RNC keynote speech. THIS is the stuff we want...a goddamn ATTACK DOG.
Instead, we got Chris "Mr. New Jersey Fighter" Christie. The sum-total of his speech? "I love my mom, pleas respect us and vote for Mitt because...uhh...I love my mom."
Now, tonight, John McCain will take the stage, tell everyone to be nice, let's be friends, reach across the aisle...and it seems the rest of the party will go along with it.
Then, next week, it'll be a 24/7 Democrat hate-fest, calling us racists, bigots, homophobes, death-mongers, killers, felons...
If this is the best we can do, we deserve to lose. Too bad America will go down in flames as well. -
8/29/12, 3:32 PM
Cheesy said...
Romney needs Miller as Press Secretary-conferences will be better than evah!
8/29/12, 5:05 PM
Anonymous said...
What you are missing anon, is that next week they would do all of that anyway, no matter who we put up.
thoR~ -
8/29/12, 5:13 PM
- drew458 said...
Really? I don't know wtf this crew thinks they're gonna get, but I watched Christie and thought he was great. Fix the economy, shrink the government, reduce the deficit, more good jobs here in USA ... and yeah, he loves his mom too. But Obama don't. She was just some dumb slut typical white chick who dropped him off at granny's and split.
8/29/12, 6:00 PM
- Wabano said...
Christie? It it not funny the Islamists use a
guy name Chris Christie for a point man? -
8/29/12, 7:26 PM
- Wabano said...
AllahuSnackbar, as Chris
would say, Drew... -
8/29/12, 7:31 PM
TimO said...
If they don't release the pit bulls, we are looking at four more Socialist years.....
8/29/12, 8:19 PM
Anonymous said...
Everyone is sticking in the proper needles. A slashing dagger is not necessary, everyone knows of Obama's failures. The messages are positive and workable, and appeal to--even my mom, who has voted demotard for the last 40 years. Another notch in the Mitt column from a democrat. We don't need to hear the chops, we already know about Obie, but what I am hearing is what my mom and people like her need to hear. Also, mom like Ron Paul. So do I. She is 87, and sitting five feet from me.
8/29/12, 11:06 PM