Monday, August 20, 2012

Did the SEIU outline Obamacare? Yes.

Book: Obamacare law designed to unionize 21 million health care workers

In ”Shadowbosses: Government Unions Control America and Rob Taxpayers Blind,” Mallory Factor describes a December 9, 2008 memo from Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Healthcare president Dennis Rivera to the Obama-Biden transition team.

That memo outlined a legislative proposal calling for “increasing the capacity of the health care workforce” as part of a larger health care reform initiative.
The SEIU and the Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Factor writes, later coordinated with other public-sector unions to spend “literally hundreds of millions of dollars promoting Obamacare.”

A booklet published by SEIU during the 2008 election season called for “building a new American health care system,” in part by “organizing workers.” The publication argued for outcomes nearly identical to those later adopted in the Obamacare legislation

How does it work?  Simple.   The number of health care workers receiving payment for their services through government programs will skyrocket, effectively making them government employees in the eyes of the beholder.. 

“The government employee unions can then enlist pro-union state governments to treat these health care workers as ‘government employees and unionize them just like they unionized the care providers” themselves.

“For every million additional health care workers unionized in the 27 non-right-to-work states the unions stand to earn $1 billion in dues.” [Full]

The SEIU make Hoffa's Teamster union look like the Sisters of Providence.


Anonymous said...

I keep wondering, will the unions have a seperate health care system or will they be subjected to guvmint care like the rest of us? And when guvmint is picking up the tab, will they let lawyers continue to make millions sueing doctors? Or will those two groups find out what Lenin meant when he coined the term 'useful idiot'?

Anonymous said...

Tim, the unions will have a Cadillac plan as long as they are allowed to collectively bargain for benefits. Scott Walker took that power away from the public unions and saved school districts enough money so that they were able to turn their deficits into surpluses even after spending additional funds for more teachers in the classrooms.

Freddie Sykes

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