Monday, August 27, 2012



You can read the full transcript here, but I've recorded the most important part (above).  This drives me insane, and by God, Sarah Palin is dead-spot on!

Sarah Palin said history could repeat itself and a third party could be created if Republicans don’t adhere to their principles, Fox News reported.

When asked on Fox News if she would consider creating a third party, the former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee said, "If history is an indication it is a possibility. If the Republicans don't remember what the planks in the platform represent . . . That is opportunity to prosper and thrive in the most exceptional nation in the world.”

She added that “we do that through a free market. If the Republicans become like the liberal left and Democrats, I wouldn't be surprised if history didn't repeat itself." 


Anonymous said...

Jeb should have said "The Pelosi Reid Congress during the last two years of my brother's presidency poisoned the well and started the present economic decline with their continual support of the sub prime mortgage fiasco. Uhbama took office and continued the slide with profligate spending, lies, and ineffective leadership for the next two years. The only thing that slowed the slide and gave us a chance to save the country from utter disaster was the 2010 election victory in the House and governorships, thanks to the Tea Party. Uhbama wanted the job, got the job, yet has spent three and one half years blaming my brother for this administration's ineptness. It's about time that manchild manned up, don't you think?"
I'm with Rush; I'm sick of go along get along behavior on the Stupid party's part just to keep some power and perks and be thought of as nice guys.

Whatever the Dems internal differences, they are like the muslim tribes at election time - they unite against outsiders at all costs. No lies, cheating or subterfuge is too great to win. They'd like nothing better than to put 'nice guys' heads on pikes around the Capitol grounds.
There is no substitute for victory, and the Dems recognize that.
Thats why a third party will not ever win. That will just divide the thinking and working half of the country. Take back the Repub party from within. No third party!!!!
Lt. Col. Gen Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Geez Dick, you're becoming articulate.


Anonymous said...

Note Bene: The WaPo lead article said that going into the Conventions that the race is a virtual tie according to a WaPo/ABC News survey. This is a huge admission by the WaPo. Since this survey was of registered voters and not likely voters unlike the Rasmussen Polls, I think that Romney has a sizable lead.


Anonymous said...

So much for the theory that the "smart one" is named Jeb.

H.W. can scratch the trifecta from the wish list, I'm fairly confident.


Anonymous said...

Casca - thanks, but I'm more like "arthritic". Venting here is like shouting into an empty room as far as efficacy, but it makes me feel better to know there are kindred souls out there who share my fears and frustrations and enjoy Rodger's entertainment and enlightenment.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Wabano said...

Ah! Tailgunner...yo captain has borrowed your phrasing,
with a few mods...hope you dont mind!

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