2012 La La La La La
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, August 10, 2012
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
All we need is more unions!
Tim -
8/10/12, 7:42 AM
Anonymous said...
It is not a success in the normal, capitalist proift and loss sense of the word.
However, it is a success for Alinskyites, as it is a very lucrative vote farm, pays off the unions so they will in turn contribute to the campaign, and it is a wonderful bludgeon to use on skinflint-Mr Scrooge McRomney, who just Doesn't Care About You Like I Do.
win win win .... using your money.
ha-ha ha-ha
Now, we all have to agree that GM stock is GOOD to hold, even though profits or sales are down 40% .. the Volt is an abysmal failure, and even with piles of cash on the hood, it doesn't sell, and the stock would have to appreciate to over $40 to get our moolah back.
It will be spun as success. Period.
tomw -
8/10/12, 8:48 AM
DougT said...
The portion of the US auto industry is roaring back (to a value of $0). Take the Chevy Volt (please), it's literally on fire.
8/10/12, 10:52 AM
Anonymous said...
Here's something Uhbama wouldn't recognize - facts:
GM stock at bailout: ……..~$53/share
GM stock price now:……..~$21/share
And we taxpayers are still owed about $26 billion.
Worse yet, for all his crowing about “investing” in US manufacturing, that lying cockbreath economic illiterate Uhbama ignores the following:
Breakdown of GM stock in %:
GM China ……………… 37.9
GM International…………17.0
GM Canada & Mexico…… 4.7
GM US………………….. 23.9
Auto leases & loans……… 7.1
Other Income………………1.0
Or IOW, about 70% of GM’s activities are outside the USA. Uhbama creates American jobs? Sure. Go, go Captain Bullshit, trash the rest of the American economy. We can hardly wait.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
8/10/12, 11:09 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Let's talk about Chrysler. Or, on the plus side, Ford, which wouldn't let Obummer get into them and are thriving.
8/10/12, 11:38 AM
DougT said...
Senator Goldwater has been famously (mis)quoted as saying he would bomb North Vietnam back to the stone age. Perhaps Romney should note that, given his track record, if reelected, POTUS will Obama US industry back to the stone age.
8/10/12, 12:15 PM
- Kristophr said...
H-bombing Hanoi would have probably worked.
The Russians were never ready for WWIII, ever. -
8/11/12, 12:05 AM
Anonymous said...
I drive FoMoCo products. I have owned GM, but they were from the 50's, 60's and 70's.
To break even on the Fed loan, I heard GM has to go to $52 a share.
I don't see that in the near future. And, a pile of the money is owed by Alley {Ally?} the 'bank' they set up to finance their car sales... with a high percentage of the loans made to people with below par credit ratings... Let's see, how did that turn out last time???
tomw -
8/11/12, 7:27 AM