Saturday, August 18, 2012

Stuff that's stripped and served

La la la la la .....
Res Ipsa Loquitor
As an erstwhile editor of Penthouse Magazine, vanderleun knows that too much drapery can easily get in the way if you're looking  for the meat of things. Like taking this 1060 word LA Times article (Biden's unscripted moments keep campaign on its toes blah-blah-blah) and stripping it to its much sexier essence.
Joe Biden's Gaffe Watch

The White House press office has not released a complete transcript of any Biden speech, whether campaign or official, in more than two months. Transcripts for all of Obama's speeches, however, are distributed quickly, as they are for many of the first lady's events.
While you're there, this is something amazing with mind-blowing potential  Finally, ghost hunters will be able to follow their prey, and other stuff too.  Maybe even capture lies leaving Rachel Maddow's ass. Then skip over and "Dub the Dew." It's all Saturday fun.


Kristophr said...

Biden has been sent home to Delaware today.

Apparently hiding in his home state and not talking to reporters is his new requirement for staying on the ticket.

Alear said...

Palin cleverly got out ahead of this and opined to replace Biden with Hillary (something wicked this way comes). Really puts the Dems in a bind, they don't wanna seem to kowtow to our beloved Sarah.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I read that Palin article last week too, and tried to figure her angle. That may be it; I thought she felt all the negatives (aka truths) the media used against Hillary to help Obummer in 2008 would haunt the campaign and kill her for good.

Kristophr said...
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