Monday, August 20, 2012

Thomas Sowell - Romney Tax Evasion? Where's the IRS

Just as simple as that         

When Senator Harry Reid claims that Mitt Romney hasn't paid his income taxes, and demands that Governor Romney disprove this unsubstantiated allegation, that raises an obvious question as to why the Internal Revenue Service has not prosecuted Romney, instead of leaving that to a partisan politician in an election year - Thomas Sowell- The Paul Ryan Choice
Hoes in the Outfield


Fred Z said...

I'm convinced Reid already has Romney's tax returns, given him by any one of about 10 million corrupt IRS Democrat employees. I'm just as sure that there are some minor things in them that would embarrass Romney, but really, that's all they've got, so they've got to work it.

Romney seems to be what he seems to be, a hard working, smart, honest, decent guy, a trifle boring. Jeez, exactly what the place needs, n'est ce pas?

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Once again - If Mitt hadn't filed his taxes, what did the IRS give to Reid? And, most elementary, why haven't the IRS prosecuted him?

TimO said...

Note that both Reid and Pelosi have steadfastly refused to release THEIR tax returns....

Wabano said...

They will soon be reduced to making
jokes about Romney's LDS underwear...

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