Wednesday, September 19, 2012

More Good News

 My Buyers Remorse is a new web site that features ex-Obama voters making acts of contrition.  The videos I looked at are produced by the American Jewish Coalition.  For the most part they've turned on Obama over his stance on Israel. which is somewhat disappointing. Even the text messages from non-Jews seem to have Israel as their principal motivation.

My wife and I support Romney even though we are Hispanic and Catholic. I am going on a vacation to Ohio and will devote 4 hours each day there to campaign for Romney. We are former Democrats and I am from Chicago, but still can see through Obama,,,he  is a bad apple. Let’s ask all Americans, Catholics, Christians, etc. to stand with Jews and Israel. Let’s not make the mistakes of the 1933-1938 era…

I would like to have seen them turn on Obama for being part of a corrupt left-wing Democrat Party, but what the hell; our goal is to be rid of Obama, and losing the Jewish vote (now lowest support in 32 years), and especially Jewish money, is a key. Plus, everywhere I look I'm seeing stuff like:

Colorado: Romney 47%, Obama 45%, New Hampshire: Romney 48, Obama 45Daily Presidential Tracking Poll [48 Days Away, BO at-12] ,Obama’s Foreign Policy Approval Rating Drops After Mideast Turmoil,  Romney Ahead in 11 Key Swing States   

If Romney is elected—without firm control of both Senate and House— the best that can be accomplished  is a holding action, and that is not good enough to save us.  News like this will keep Dems from going to the polls, and that's key.  USA UAS USA.

Disclosure- this post was mainly for me, a necessary indulgence.


Anonymous said...

Need to take the Senate. Support Senate Conservatives (Jim DeMint's old site) or SarahPAC.

Luigi Palmieri

Helly said...

Looters who change their vote because they didn't get their loot are still looters. Pitooey.

I-RIGHT-I said...

Yada, yada support conservatives. That's find and dandy but those "conservatives" who are in service or waiting in the wings are just a hair's breadth from themselves being criminals and traitors. That is, those who are not criminals and traitors already.

What we need to do is try, convict and hang some people in high office. These politicians need to understand the price of betraying the American people. Maybe they will think twice about being John McCain when they see him dangle next to some of his favorite Democrats.

Anonymous said...

I hope you feel better now I-RIGHT-I.

Luigi Palmieri

I-RIGHT-I said...

I do feel a little better Lou but I am expecting that knock on the door. McCain is a war hero you know.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Dammit Helly, I wanted to use that "Looters" thing of yours this Am,. but couldn't remember it. I just writ it down on my cheat sheet of other names, words and phrases I have trouble with for some reason (like "putative," "Callipygian," and "Eric Holder. and "thoR" Go figure. On the other hand, I know the combination to my high school locker at St. Pats.

Helly said...

Yes I know all about memory loss. Today I went out to Home Depot for 3 items, but forgot my list. I told myself I was going to get through this if I had to walk every isle in the whole damn store. When I remembered the last item, I tebowed right in the electrical department.

Here's another thing I remembered: Blackened Ham & Fruity Yam. It was awesome and I can prove it. Your culinary cred is secure.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Great presentation! I have a notion now to get my just purchased ham steak and ... no. Must fight it. Yogurt.

Anonymous said...

Rodge, I love you. You are the highlight of my day, several times a day since you post so much.

Glad I made your cheat sheet. It made my day and gave me a long chuckle. I think I am going to have bookmark this post like this one:
...for when I have a bad day, which are many with dumb0 in office.

I do sign my emails now.


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