Monday, September 17, 2012

We Are Now Officially Mexico

District Attorneys rent out their letterhead to debt collectors, split the shakedown loot 

Over 300 US district attorneys have made arrangements with strong-arm debt collectors, through which the debt collectors send out threatening notices on the DAs' letterhead to people who've allegedly bounced checks, and split the payments they get back (including hefty "service fees" levied by the collectors) with the DAs' offices. Jessica Silver-Greenberg writes in the NYT: [cont Naked Capitalism]

Res Ipsa Loquitor

We are now officially Mexico


Chuck Martel said...

It's nothing like government lawyers to give the rest of us a bad name.

Mark said...

how about not bouncing a check?

Anonymous said...

It's not just bouncing a check. If you have a dispute over payment, services, money owed, etc., you shouldn't have to bend over and take it. But rather than working to resolve the dispute, some companies immediately turn all issues over to a collection agency and then you get this. Oftentimes after you've already made payment to the original account.


Anonymous said...

What does the fourth warning say? "We really mean it this time. No more fooling around."

I know what you mean, dodgedude. I've had doctors turn my account over to collection agencies who never even bothered to send me a bill. My policy with collection agencies has always been, "Screw you. I don't know who you are and I'm not giving you a dime." I pay my bills to whoever I have an agreement with.

David said...

My 14 year old daughter, who regularly volunteered at our public library, forgot to return a book. They sent us no notices. The first time we heard of it was when the collection agency that they turned the account over to called demanding the $3.50 that she owed.

She paid the amount owed to the library. But it still took almost a month and a dozen phone calls between us, the library and the collection agency to get them to stop calling us.

By the time the harassing finally ended my daughter has so angry that she stopped volunteering at the library and instead writes monthly letters to the county board of supervisors recommending that the money they spend keeping the library open would be better spent somewhere else, because the people who run our library are too stupid to stay in business.

Hodja said...

You didn't build that:

Rodger the Real King of France said...

David- Best Ever story today! Props to your daughter.

Business Strategy Consulting said...

Well, I think you're not really secure when you are in prison due to the fact that there are still other crimes that are being done. So, I think wherever you go in this world, you don't have freedom, you don't have security and the worse thing is, you can't get out of this place. You can only escape once you die.

Jason in SD said...

My ex-wife screwed me by making repeated 911 calls to have an ambulance take my son to the emergency room for non-emergency issues. Because it was my son and my insurance, it didn't matter who made the call, I was financially responsible. All it would have taken for me to go Galt would have been for one of these paper bullets to have been aimed at my head.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Holy S-it!

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