The Kill-Duzer Affair
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
What a Duzer
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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Jason in SD said...
Agree with KisP 100%. The bear hug might have been a surprise but the meeting was arranged and sanitized long ahead of time.
What disgusted me most was almost immediately after the picture was released, the pizza guy goes running to the media that he's being boycotted. I've seen less orchestrated performances at the opera. -
9/11/12, 12:50 PM
Anonymous said...
Fake but accurate.
Uhbama is utterly déclassé.
In return for the Man of the People photo op, Uhbama probably gave the guy an I-phone with all his speeches and his private phone number. So he can send Moochelle free pizza, or something.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
9/11/12, 12:54 PM
- toadold said...
I read that he is crying now because his regulars are not showing up anymore.
9/11/12, 1:49 PM
Anonymous said...
Where was the Secret Service when the events pictured here happened? Shouldn't they have absolutely ventilated this person for having the temerity to actually TOUCH the President of the U. S. of A.? If Joe or Jane Bluecollar had tried it, the "press" would be counting "fatal body wounds;" this guy was living large and riding the edge for this photo-op.
9/11/12, 2:23 PM
Anonymous said...
I will believe the boycott when they can point to some grass roots or astroturf movement behind it.
And, so what? The mayor of Boston refused to eat a free Chick-Fil-A offered him at the DNC. Maybe it was because he learned that the friendly guy who sold the meal was BLACK!
Freddie Sykes -
9/11/12, 2:31 PM
Anonymous said...
The deification of the Presidency is a modern phenomena, the Speaker of the House used to be the most powerful man in government. People used to visit Abe Lincoln and ask for a job because they figured he worked for them. He is just a guy we hired to do a job for us.
Luigi Palmieri -
9/11/12, 4:02 PM
Anonymous said...
The encounter and photo are a set up campaign appearance.
Read in a newspaper article today the the SS had "sanitized" the premises by removing all knives, scissors, etc. before allowing O'Bozo to enter the store.
Try running a pizza/pasta restaurant with no knives.
9/11/12, 10:20 PM