Today's Laff-a-thon Liberals throw hissy fit over Obama debate performance |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, October 04, 2012
A Fine Hissy-Fit
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Juice said...
Couldn't help thinking neither was my candidate of choice, but I watched the debate on CSPAN and it was worth it. Dayum that Obiwan was horrible.
Loved when Romney used Biden's observation of the crushed Middle Class. Thanks Joe! The VP debate should prove even more hilarious. Gotta come up with a drinkn' game for that one. :) -
10/4/12, 11:50 AM
Anonymous said...
Not my first or second choice either but Horry Clap, he was good. 5 minutes into it, I could tell it was going to be a fiasco for Obama. Everyone at MM's place had our jaws dropped.
I say the payback trail leading up to Obama's land slide defeat is going to be one fine shit sammich I'm going to relish watching him eat.
MM -
10/4/12, 12:23 PM
- Kristophr said...
Told ya guys.
This mook is gonna get whomped. -
10/4/12, 12:29 PM
Helly said...
Have to agree with Juice, I suspect Barry0 will 3-putt the entire back 9 today.
Although it's not clear that Biden is aware there was a debate last night. It's possible nobody has even informed him he will soon have to face Ryan in his own debate.
10/4/12, 1:15 PM
Anonymous said...
Remember when Barack famously said that he would bring a 'gun to knife fight' a few years ago? Well last night he brought Skittles to a gun fight; and that hasn't worked out very well any time it has been tried.
10/4/12, 2:09 PM
- Wabano said...
So, it wont be the end of the world, after all...boy, Barry now will have to pull
some gigantic boner soon(as Sarah Palin warned)
if he want to be Prezdint for life like his buddy Pooty Poot and Hoo Go Chavizz!
Trouble is, with his performance, he have pretty much
lost the faith and confidence of his most devoted followers... -
10/4/12, 2:14 PM
- Jon said...
Just imagine if we'd got a genuine conservative for our candidate. Obama would have been anihilated.
10/4/12, 4:16 PM
Helly said...
Jon, we're knee-deep in Lefty blood and body parts here, with Mitt adjusting the knot in his necktie just out of habit.
Can you name this "genuine conservative," and tell us specifically how he could possibly have been more effective than Romney in this debate?
10/4/12, 4:35 PM
- Wabano said...
Yes, all this"Crossing the aisle" a la McCain raise your hackles,
but it was worth it watching Hussein die yesterday! -
10/4/12, 4:38 PM
Anonymous said...
"...high info viewer..." what a conceited pseudo-intellectual bullshit statement. You can't be a well read viewer and still support Obama's Marxist policies. Andrews is a limp dicked commie ratbastard.
10/4/12, 4:58 PM
Anonymous said...
Looking forward to the VP debate:
BIDEN: You know the phrase they always use? "Obama and Biden want to raise taxes by a trillion dollars." Guess what? Yes we do, in one regard. We want to let that trillion dollar tax cut expire so the middle class doesn’t have to bare the burden of all that money going to the super wealthy.
Video here:
10/4/12, 5:06 PM
Anonymous said...
Just wait: the moderator in the next debate won't be as hands-off as Lehrer was. He/she will spin the questions and toss in leading follow-ups, so as to make Romney look bad. Get him off-topic, or lead him into areas he/she knows Obama is comfortable with.
That will be the key difference in the next debate -- a hostile moderator. -
10/4/12, 7:11 PM
Steve in Greensboro said...
Apparently America didn't learn its lesson in 1976 or 1992 when it elected commies. It had to elect another commie in 2008. Apparently we need to elect commies every 16 years, like locusts.
I think we might have learned something with our current affirmative action commie. I expect another 2010-like landslide in 2012 and BO and his lovely wife Chewbacca can move back to Chicago never to be heard from again.
But in any case, we should be good until at least 2024. -
10/4/12, 9:48 PM
Anonymous said...
Anonymous : 10/4/12 7:11 PM.
The next debate is a Townhall type of debate so I'm afraid your scenario will have to wait until the 3rd "Thunderdome" -
10/5/12, 1:31 AM