Monday, October 15, 2012


Too Much Candy

Res Ipsa Loquitor

In a rare example of political unity, both the Romney and Obama campaigns have expressed concern to the Commission on Presidential Debates about how the moderator of the Tuesday town hall has publicly described her role, TIME has learned.
Read more:

For the life of me,  I can't figure out why Romney's people have conceded to the media Fox News apartheid, and once again let the same old skanks run the show?  Tell me, who has the greater respect as a newsman- Britt Hume,  or Candy Crowley? There is a reason Candy's employer CNN have no audience— they have no cred.

 Anyway, it's amusing that even Obama is worried because Candy Crowley has announced her intention to run amok, and do what the hell she wants in the next debate.  I know why.  No matter which way she wants to steer the debate, Mitt can answer truthfully, and probably escape the trap.  Obama can only lie. 

Finally, what the hell is this daily bouncing about with the poll numbers?  Who are they polling?  Where do you find voters who change their minds 4-5 times a week? 


Anonymous said...

Put down the folk and walkaway from the fettuccine alfredo.. If that women gets any larger she will need a wide load sticker and a backup alarm.

Chuck Martel said...

Maybe she just has a thyroid problem.

Anonymous said...

I had one of those, Chuck. Modern medicine can fix that.

TimO said...

In a decent world we'd have a Presidential debate moderated by a liberal MSM reporter, one by a conservative reporter and one by an independent.

.....but that wouldn't serve their cause, would it....

Helly said...

why Romney's people have conceded

Part of the defender's advantage. Mitt needed these debates a lot more than Barry0.

The debate commission is clearly trying to produce a train wreck to get higher ratings instead of a more informative program. That is the only reason to pick an obviously immoderate glutton like Crowley for a moderator. You cannot look at her without seeing someone draped in self-control issues.

We just have to let'em go.

Anonymous said...

She never should have been considered to moderate:

Stick said...

"Finally, what the hell is this daily bouncing about with the poll numbers? Who are they polling? Where do you find voters who change their minds 4-5 times a week?"

The percentage of people who answer polling calls has gone from 37% in 1998 to 9% today. That's right; with caller ID & Proliferation of cellphones, only the people who have enough time to talk to a pollster answer the phone. That's explains Obobo's lead in some of them.

BlogDog said...

Clara Peller's question answered at last.

Anonymous said...

Folks, the debate commission was created by the Dem and Rep parties specifically to avoid having to hew to an independent organization decided format, like the League of Women Voters, who might add extra candidates for the people to see like John Anderson or Ross Perot or god forbid actually let the candidates debate each other and not the moderator's ego. Look how well that's worked out.

Jess said...

If she's going to be a hardass, then they need to be able to ask her how many big macs she had for lunch.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Jess wins

Juice said...

Do you realize if you put that candy out front on Halloween night you will never hear the doorbell ring? I'm all over it!

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