Monday, October 08, 2012

Letterman is Insane

Res Ipsa Loquitor

Late night TV host David Letterman has suggested that Mitt Romney is a “felon” because he does not pay income tax, despite the Republican presidential nominee recently releasing IRS documents showing he paid nearly $2 million just in 2011.

"Yeah, we want to get a look at those tax returns because I believe we will discover that the man has not paid a nickel in United States federal income tax," Letterman said. "That’s right, we have a felon running for president." [Full]

This has been sitting on my desk since yesterday morning.  I've been thinking about it.  I know that somewhere in this story is an answer.  An explanation for why the Hollywood left have become so impossibly unhinged—about everything—in the past year.

Meanwhile, a letter from Price Waterhouse Coopers states that Romney paid an average of 20 percent in taxes every year from 1999 to 2009. His 2011 taxes were mostly paid on investment income.

The answer I've settled on, and it's not new, is Statism is the religion of the left, and they are now filled with the religious fervor of Muslums hopped up on holy war rhetoric. They are insane at the thought that either their savior Obama is actually an  incompetent fool of their own creation, or his detractors (us)  are the legions of  anti-Christ followers sent to destroy their world.  The wages of too much butt sex, drugs and Prius smugness. 

On a positive note, there is a decent chance that like the Heaven's Gate cultists, one of their priests (Streisand?, Spielberg?, Sammy Jackson?) will lead them en masse to a Kool-Aid vat. Say Amen.


Anonymous said...

"Statism is the religion of the left."

Islam sooner or later becomes the religion of the state when its adherents achieve majority power.

Birds of a feather, etc.

Sir H the Comet

Jess said...

All I can think of is:

Fu** Letterman. He's an idiot.

Hazy Dave said...

For what it's worth, I thought Dave was clearly mocking the notion with his "that's right..." line. He also frequently refers to "Mitch" Romney, though, so I support the RR campaign continuing to ignore CBS's Late Show. Let him think Mitt is "scared" to come on the show, who cares.

Anonymous said...

Dave's right: according to that Obama autobiography written by Billy Ayers, B-Ho is a self confessed felon.

Of course in Dave's world, OTHER people not paying taxes is the only unforgivable sin.

Freddie Sykes

Helly said...

Over a year ago I carted our only TV to the church thrift shop, and I've been feeling pretty smug about it ever since.

Now I feel awful. The only Christian thing to do was take a hammer to it.

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