Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Who's The Leader Of the Cheats - DONKS!


 “The media, I think, wants Kerry to win and I think they’re going to portray Kerry and Edwards I’m talking about the establishment media, not Fox. They’re going to portray Kerry and Edwards as being young and dynamic and optimistic and there’s going to be this glow about them, collective glow, the two of them, that’s going to be worth maybe 15 points.”

Thomas later revised his estimate to five points. So the media’s trying much harder this time around, and Obama and Romney are basically tied. Does that mean that without the media’s help, Obama would be 5 points behind? (Instapundit)

Now this revelation
I mean admission (it's common knowledge that Dem pollsters cheat)—   from the Gore, Edwards, and Kerry campaign pollster.  If this was Bush's pollster, Sixty-Minutes would already be geared up for Sunday's program.

In May, the pollster for Al Gore's presidential bid in 2000 and John Edwards's in 2004 and 2008, Harrison Hickman, took the stand in the federal criminal case against Edwards over alleged campaign finance violations stemming from payments to support Edwards's mistress.

Under oath, Hickman admitted that in the final weeks of Edwards's 2008 bid, Hickman cherry-picked public polls to make the candidate seem viable, promoted surveys that Hickman considered unreliable, and sent e-mails to campaign aides, Edwards supporters and reporters which argued that the former senator was still in the hunt —even though Hickman had already told Edwards privately that he had no real chance of winning the Democratic nomination. [Full]

Now, Jimmy Carter's pollster Pat Caddell almost has a s**t hemorrhage talking about the Democrat media role in suborning elections with ersatz poll numbers. 

He doesn't say it right out, but it's clear Caddell sees these swine as no less a danger to this nation than were Hitler, Tojo, and Stalin. And we went to war with them.


Anonymous said...

When Obama is humiliated in a few weeks, the first thing that we must purge is the media. They must be dismembered and scattered into the wind. They must be dis-infected and returned to a position of non-advocacy and honest reportage.

Then we go to work on the schools and the government.

If I was a progressive right now, I'd be real, real uncomfortable.

Steve in Greensboro said...

"Purge" sounds a little Stalinist to me; Gulags and show trials are what commies do, commies like the Democrat party.

"Ignore" or maybe "boycott" is more what I have in mind for the legacy media. Do not watch their networks or cable channels. Do not subscribe to their newspapers and magazines. Pressure our elected representatives to defund PBS and NPR. When cable salesmen ask why you want to disconnect cable TV, tell them you don't want the legacy media in your house. You don't want bacteria like Chris Matthews, David Gregory or George Staphylococcus infesting your home.

Tell them you get your news from truthful, conservative news outlets on the internet. Advertisers will shift from the dying legacy media to the new, growing conservative media in responding to their own self-interest.

Anonymous said...

The legacy media is self destructing. Let them be. This is fun to watch.

Wabano said...


I'm figuring this as the mitten's leg...G*ddam mf wimp and his RINO idiots seem to be
blowing this election, snatching defeat from the jaws of Victory...REPUBS NOT SAYING ANYTHING!!!...
(hear something from their Congress majority?...crickets...crickets...)

Imagine that, losing to NOBODY...O'Bambam being the most vapid non entity ever spawned
by a hippie whore! I suppose you cant have much of a personality
either when you believe in this Latter Day Saints idiotic non sense!

Anonymous said...

I'm sticking with PURGE. We must hit them with Lysol and a fire-hose. The media is beyond fixing and must be replaced.

As to Wabano, I'm with you. Newt is the only one out there with teeth. Ryan isn't bad, but not visible. Mitt is...where, exactly?

He has one chance tomorrow night. If he blows that, the ONLY way he gets elected is if the "no" vote for Obama is huge. I wouldn't count on that. (I won't fault him for being Mormon though...I don't buy their religion, but the LDS people I know are really upright, honest folks.)

Helly said...

He doesn't say it right out, but it's clear …

No, not clear enough for you to see all the way to the end. That's ok, I'm here to help.

First, we should note the ambient anomaly: A Democrat who appears to be honest, courageous, even patriotic. Obviously something is very wrong with this picture.

Reminds me of The Lathe of Time; a quirky allegory on the horrors of central planning and amusing low-budget movie if you happen to find it. In the end, our hero mental patient encounters his formerly smug psychiatrist, who is now in a psychotic paralysis. He looks into the quivering doctor's eyes and calmly says, "You've seen the future, haven't you?"

Pat Caddell has seen the future. He is distressed about himself, not America, in that future. After a year of the media and pundits and pollsters telling us that Obama can't lose, what happens to Caddell when Romney wins in a landslide? It doesn't matter how accurately he polls. Who is going to pay *any* of these monkeys to fling their shit in the years to come? He will live out his life as an Andrea Mitchell being bitch-slapped by world of John Sununus.

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