Well, akshoealee, that's what did happen
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, November 08, 2012
A Case of the 'Zactlys
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
It is bad enough to have lost to this poseur but, having to put up with the smug assholes in the media - such as Letterman and Moore. I would love nothing better than put a bat to those fat bastids heads but, I am told that is not helpful. May not be helpful but, some serious ass kicking needs to be done and I am all for starting with Karl Rove - how about you? Then perhaps Chrissy Matthews?
Bolivar -
11/8/12, 7:36 PM
- Kristophr said...
- This comment has been removed by the author.
11/9/12, 1:42 AM
- Kristophr said...
( corercting paste error, sorry )
80% of Americans do not go to church on a regular basis. That includes our own Republican base.
Democrats, when religion comes up, say they are religious, and paint themselves as members of the congregation ... and Republicans as the person behind the pulpit.
This is very deliberate. Democrats want to be seen as your buddy, and they want the Republicans to be seen as Mr. Authority.
So wake me up when we nominate a charismatic conservative, and not some loser who thinks it is his “turn”, some polished rich dude, or someone whom the public will perceive as a preacher.
rich dude = loss
preacher = loss
apparatchik = loss
Reagan Mark II = win
Both of the charismatic candidates ( Palin and Cain ) were nixed by the apparatchiks and the preachers in our party.
( Romney had ALL three of these strikes against him. An apparatchik who was next in line. A polished rich dude. A preacher; he was President of his stake, the LDS version of a bishopric. )
So we lost.
11/9/12, 1:48 AM
Anonymous said...
A software geek friend of mine told me that Obama's reelection was a mathematical certainty in October. I've seen that some other places, too, but this guy I trust.
His opinion was that a lot of people knew that the election was a given, and didn't bother to show up. I gotta wonder how many others bought into that, and if that was a deliberate plant by the D's. It seems strange to me, but then I've never been one to succumb to mathematical certainty.
PvtCdr(SS) MichigammeDave -
11/9/12, 6:46 AM
Steve in Greensboro said...
Why we lost? 1) Sandy (i.e. low information voters' reaction to the event), 2) vote fraud and 3) conservatives and libertarians stayed home because Romney wasn't perfect.
Vote fraud can be fixed (but it would take a constitutional amendment). The only way the "lack of a perfect candidate" problem can be fixed is a) Reagan's second coming or b) non-voting conservatives get sick of getting it good and hard from the Democrat-Communist party.
How would you vote in 2016 in a race between Hillary Clinton and Rick Santorum? Answer that question wrong and we'll see you in 2024 and you'll get a chance to answer an even uglier question. -
11/9/12, 8:49 AM
- Kristophr said...
Steve: 3) conservatives and libertarians stayed home because Romney wasn't perfect.
Romney was not charismatic. He was painted as a preacher, a big money boss, and as Boring! .
It is not the fault of the 53% that work for a living that we provided a candidate that couldn't motivate them, and even turned them off actively.
We need to own our loss, and stop blaming the voters. -
11/9/12, 11:08 AM
Anonymous said...
As a Mormon Christian, (What? Jesus died for my sins and through him I am saved.) voting for Christian Christians, (hey I voted for that A-hole McCain, Ok, ok, I voted for Sarah)and seeing the bigotry of them not voting for Romney makes me not want to vote for any bigot ever again.
I knocked doors, I went to the phone bank and made calls. I attempted to pick up ballots from those not able to turn them. Mitt was my guy and I caucused for him in the primaries.
Mitt wasn't my perfect candidate, I liked Herman Cain but by then he was out. I was voting against Obama. Now I am not sure if I will ever vote again ever. Even my R Governor lost to an idiot. I am moving to the sticks and living off of my own garden. I am breaking out the popcorn when the shooting starts. You guys get what you didn't vote for. I voted for the lesser of two evils, plus Mitt was a Mr Fix-it. I can't even drink my sorrows away, I don't drink.
Jerks all. -
11/9/12, 11:14 AM
Anonymous said...
Would Ronald Reagan have won this past election given the same scenario?
11/9/12, 12:05 PM
Steve in Greensboro said...
Kristophr: My point is simply that Romney was as good as it is going to be for a long, long time. The Republicans are going to move left as the Democrat-Communist party drags the whole country down, using Obamacare to make us all clients of the total state.
We had a chance to repeal it by electing Romney and we missed that chance. By 2016, the next Republican presidential nominee will make Mitt Romney look like Ron Paul. And some conservatives and libertarians will continue to withhold their vote because he isn’t perfect.
Of course, Romney isn’t perfect. He isn’t even very good. But he was better than Ogabe and with him, we had a chance to at least slow down the destruction of the country. And we blew it because some voters were waiting for perfection. -
11/9/12, 1:30 PM
- ZZMike said...
Jesse Jackson, Jr got hissef re-elected even being in the hospital - or is that "rehab center" for over 3 months.
They'd vote for a Democrat even if it was a dead one.
What a country! Dead people voting for other dead people! -
11/9/12, 6:21 PM
- Kristophr said...
Steve: This horse ain't dead yet.
As long as we continue to let the same old crowd run county parties, and send their friends to state conventions, we will continue to get unelectable candidates who's only real skill is working the party apparatus.
Find some folks that are just as offended as you are, and take over your county party.
Robert Heinlein wrote a book about this process, back when he and Reagan were trying to take the California Democratic Party out of the hands of the trotskyites.
11/10/12, 2:49 PM