Provoking Racial
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sunday, November 04, 2012
Bill Maher- Inciting to Riot
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
I can tell homicidal rioters from far away. I can also reach out (and touch)a fist sized target anywhere between right here to 500 yards, easily. That would be a lot of fistless rioters by the time they close the gap, you know? ;)
MileSixtysix -
11/4/12, 10:35 AM
- Kristophr said...
So Mahar thinks he can send scary black folks to my house?
Do these fantasy blacks just live in his head?
Has he always had these delusions?
Has he checked his meds recently? -
11/4/12, 10:36 AM
- Kristophr said...
Ain't going to be any riots, unless some group whips them up ... and if there are, they will burn their own neighborhoods.
Might be hard on business owners there. -
11/4/12, 10:38 AM
- Juice said...
My,my. What a racist statement.
Not Democrat voters. Blacks.
Just another Liberal stinking his truth. -
11/4/12, 10:54 AM
Anonymous said...
These good men get it:
listen to who they are directing their protest at Rahm, Zero, ACORN the Liberal news media...Stuff like this helps, in a small way, to restore my hope for a better tomorrow.
11/4/12, 11:22 AM
Anonymous said...
Hey, Bill....
Bring it. Need my address?
Fred Jameson -
11/4/12, 11:52 AM
Helly said...
Black people know who you are and they will come after you
I think Maher is right, although Blacks will be only a minor subset of rampaging Democrats. There is no need to put a racial spin on Leftism, when it is really a mental problem.
In any case, when do we get to the bad part? This "threat" is just one more motivation for voting Republican. Doesn't everybody have a spot in their Bucket List for legally shooting a commie? Maher is just handing us free kills.
11/4/12, 1:12 PM
Anonymous said...
"I think it calls for summary execution?"
I prefer to regard it as a retroactive abortion. -
11/4/12, 1:14 PM
I-RIGHT-I said...
Waiting for the outrage over his suggestion that the natural thing for Blacks do do in this situation is riot and murder.
11/4/12, 1:49 PM
- toadold said...
Maher would do well to remember that instigating violence can bring about reprisal both legal and not so legal . On top of that there are those who know where he lives and works and have learned from the Jihad's.
11/4/12, 1:57 PM
TimO said...
Used to be that inciting riots and threatening voters were felonies and cops would hustle you downtown. Guess Mr.ImBetterThanYou is above us little people and the law....
11/4/12, 2:21 PM
Anonymous said...
I bought 30 packages of Carol Shelbys Chili Fixins. I always eat what I kill. Shelbys and a crock pot will make anything fantastic, even possum or coon.
11/4/12, 7:45 PM
- cmblake6 said...
Long pig, you say? I suppose once it's dead it ain't nothin' but meat.
11/4/12, 8:33 PM
Anonymous said...
Most people don't realize that blacks make up less than 13% of the US population. People living in New York, Atlanta, Chicago, and people looking at token blacks in the media think it's 50%.
11/4/12, 9:45 PM
Anonymous said...
Tim O: most of "the law" is union. They have their orders, and will do nothing.
11/5/12, 5:27 AM
Anonymous said...
The important part is that tomorrow or shortly thereafter we get to say "President Elect Romney" . Maher is still going to be the same sad sack of shite that he today.
We happy warriors have nothing to fear from the little ankle biting pissants that contribute nothing to this great nation. -
11/5/12, 1:35 PM
Anonymous said...
Let's just submit, that this jackass does not live within 30 miles of an African american.
11/5/12, 1:41 PM