Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Res Ipsa Loquitor

“He witnessed a radical militant Islamic sect that he asserted was more violent than any religious sect in history, willing to die in jihad to ensure heaven — the Wahabis,” Humes, who wrote speeches for several Republican presidents, explained to The Daily Caller in an interview.
" Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It will be insinuated into the West by a mulato from our East Africa Protectorate, who will come with a banjo on his knee and a seven-per-cent solution up his arse. " Winston Churchill 1898

“He predicted they would inflict violence and terror on the West. His grandson, Winston Churchill II, read passages to George W. Bush in 2007, in the Oval Office. If he didn’t quite predict 9/11, he did envision the type of al-Qaida terrorist who would carry the bomb or crash into buildings.”
Author says Churchill predicted the rise of group like al-Qaida

Read more:

Author says Churchill predicted the rise of group like al-Qaida

"Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing...after they have exhausted all other possibilities." Churchill

UPDATE: The Left's favorite Churchill .  I supposed now he will run for the U.S. senate in Connecticut?


Anonymous said...

"Americans can always be counted on to do the right thing...after they have exhausted all other possibilities." Churchill

Problem is: there's damn few Americas left to do the right thing.


Juice said...

Watching Time Machine (1960) on TMC right now. Sadly, H.G.Wells' time frame was waaaay off. Our society has decline much earlier and as the Utopians entoer the mindless following to the Molaks domain.... "I see Liberals. Everywhere." *cold breath emanating*

Anonymous said...

Connecticut? Hell Rog, he can run right here in CO. We have a far left Gov, the dems totally control the legislature and the cherry on top is we have just about the most REgressive SC in the country.

I guess the only problem Ward would face is that we already have two worthless REgressive senators.

Makes me sick-CO used to be a business friendly, solid conservative state.

When and if Texas pulls the secession lever, I'm outta here-I almost moved there last year anyway

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