Monday, November 26, 2012

Republicans break tax pledge

More congressional Republicans are breaking a long-standing pledge to oppose tax increases before returning to Washington on Monday to avert a looming fiscal crisis with a deal that increasingly appears impossible to reach without changes to the tax code.

The decades-old pledge from the Americans for Tax Reform group has been signed by 238 House members and 41 senators in this Congress and has essentially become inescapable for any Republican seeking statewide or national office over recent election cycles, especially in the Republican-controlled lower chamber.

New York Rep. Peter King and Sen. Lindsey Graham said Sunday they would break the pledge and accept tax changes to generate more revenue to curb the trillion-dollar federal deficit.

Their statements followed a similar one Thursday by Georgia Republican Sen. Saxby Chambliss. [Full]
There you have it.  As it was, the only distinction between Democrats and Republicans were-
  1. not all Republicans are liars (still true)
  2. all Republicans had sworn an oath not to raise taxes. 
In the traditional sense anyway (every piece of legislation they pass will cost us money). While it was a surprise to me when Chambliss reneged on his promise, it was a certainty that Sen. Lindsey Lohan and Rep. Peter King would be the first to say AMEN. We've been punked again.


pdwalker said...

A politician breaking his promise? It's like saying a bear shits in the woods. Who woulda thunk it.

The power in Washington corrupts, and it eventually corrupts all who stay there long enough.

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy

Juice said...

If this is your PS work, I love it when BAU Reps wear the whore paint they deserve.

Anonymous said...

What's so difficult about reducing the size of government? It's not like the Repubes would be losing any votes. Cut the budgets and let the bureaucrats figure out how to live with it. That's what those of us in private enterprise have to do. -- Skyhawker, Doug

Anonymous said...

Cher's song about "gypsies, tramps and thieves" comes to mind.
What really pisses me off is no mention of the $800 billion 'one time stimulus' now in its fourth year of buying Dem votes, since Harry 'This war is lost' Reid won't even bring a budget to a vote, and the $800 billion plus direct cash payments to food stamps, aid to dependent children, 'disability', unemployment payments, etc. Noooo, we gotta cut defense, which is now smaller than the welfare outlays I just mentioned.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Suprize, Suprize, Suprize! Since the Repugs. hade no part in creating this problem, they have to " compromise"to solve it. Oh if only Mittens had won. Welcome to the SUCK. We have one more chance to change the courseof this country. But that would be hard right?

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