More proof that I was killed in a car
wreck 20 years ago and am doing time in purgatory.
Sandra Fluke Nominated for Time’s Person of the
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Sandra Fluke- The Face of Obamunism
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
If that sloppy slut can get MY money to pay for her recreational F*cking, then I DEMAND that we take HER MONEY to pay for a weekly trip to the local "HAPPY ENDINGS" Massage parlor for MY recreational F*cking.
BTW - is she also getting paid for the bag that her partner needs to put over her face when they F*ck??
---------------------------- -
11/27/12, 9:57 AM
Anonymous said...
Time Magazine??? Who cares...
11/27/12, 10:49 AM
Anonymous said...
What a sorry list of candidates. I couldn't identify half of them.
The NorK family heir, Kim Jong Un, was the leader when I looked.
And he's done exactly what???
Pathetic. Soon to join Newsweek, or Opinionweek as I used to call it, as digital only. If an issue is late, both subscribers may complain...
tomw -
11/27/12, 10:55 AM
- vanderleun said...
She'd sweep Time's Cunt of the Year.
11/27/12, 1:59 PM
I-RIGHT-I said...
I never liked that word. It's an awful sounding guttural slap at women in general but in this case it isn't gutter enough.
11/27/12, 4:10 PM
Louisiana Steve said...
Who gives a fluke what that fluken Time Magazine prints on it's fluked up pages. They're a bunch of mother flukers and don't give a flying fluke about them at all. Did I leave anything out?
11/27/12, 4:27 PM
Anonymous said...
Vanilla Sky. Good movie even with the gay midget cult leader in the starring role.
11/27/12, 4:46 PM
- vanderleun said...
I agree IRightI but I do reserve that word for those people, men and women both, who are most likely to keep the world alive in the 21st century. Fluke is one of those.
11/27/12, 4:52 PM
Anonymous said...
I right i... then stop acting like one.
11/27/12, 6:24 PM
I-RIGHT-I said...
Blow me Junior.
(better?) -
11/28/12, 10:53 AM
Anonymous said...
Hey I remember when RTRKoF was *SURE* Obama wouldn't make it to his inauguration in 2009...
11/29/12, 6:14 PM