Provoking Racial
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Friday, November 09, 2012
Spooky Stuff
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Tom Smith said...
I sent you my thoughts. I was hoping the first part was a reference to Obama
11/9/12, 4:20 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I haven't gone through my mail yet.
11/9/12, 4:25 PM
Anonymous said...
He knew too much . This afternoon , on the way home from a haircut , A teenaged african American fellow walked out in front of my pickup truck , grabbed his crotch , and gave me the double - middle finger salute , then laughed to his pals . I thought to myself .... "SOON , YOU PIECE OF $#!+ , SOON".
11/9/12, 5:39 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Good one Tom Clap Clap Clap. I sent it to SondraK
11/9/12, 6:00 PM
- Skoonj said...
I will believe the resignation story when I see the woman involved, and know whether she worked for him. Might have happened, but it is very well timed for me to believe it without corroberation.
11/9/12, 6:20 PM
I-RIGHT-I said...
Too bad we don't live in a free country Tom or you could post it here without fear of reprisal or dragging your friends into the same shithole.
We lost this war because we're all a bunch of goddamned cowards for 50years. Note I didn't say we lost the battle.
11/9/12, 6:36 PM
- george said...
He refused to go to Ft Murray Park with Hildabeast or climb aboard the C-130 full of supplies bound for Serbia.
11/9/12, 7:10 PM
Alear said...
This Commentary story about ORCA, Romney's get out the vote effort, is gonna become big. Make sure you follow the link to Ace's. What a clusterfark that was.
11/9/12, 7:18 PM
Alear said...
Oh golly, here's Breitbart's take on ORCA. This is making me physically ill, all over again.
11/9/12, 7:32 PM
- Skoonj said...
Alear, I've been looking at that story all day. Sickening. We can't tell as yet just how much reliance on the Orca system damaged the Romney vote total, but it plainly had an impact. I didn't care for the way the Romney campaign was run, but had confidence that he would win, so whatever mistakes and poor moves they made would all be just water under the bridge. But Romney lost, and this could be a big reason why.
Before accepting this as just a Romney campaign screwup, which it is at a minimum, keep open the possibility that the system was sabotaged. -
11/9/12, 8:04 PM
Tom Smith said...
Not too cowardly. I use my full name. Give ya my address if you would be kind enough to call first.
11/9/12, 8:40 PM
- DougM said...
Announced that he resigned to spend more time with his mistress.
11/9/12, 9:04 PM
Anonymous said...
Alear, Skoonj - I contacted both the Romney and George Allen campaigns, asking if I could volunteer to help with something - GOTV phone or email, poll watcher, not just in Virginia where I live, but anywhere, at my expense.
I received form letter emails thanking me, saying somebody would be in touch. After no further contact other than money begging, I called them and emailed them several more times.
Got another email thanking me for my offer, but still no followup with a work assignment. All this done 2-4 weeks before the election.
I asked my precinct captain if he needed a poll watcher, and was blown off, saying no vote problems in Virginia. I guess that explains why polls were open until 10:30pm in Dem areas, while more and more deadbeats were bussed in from the Dem GOTV effort. I thought an election official was supposed to get in the end of the line at 7 pm and not allow any later arrivals to queue.
Anyhow, Romney's ORCA guy emailed me just three days before the election, and when I asked for details how that would work and had it been tested, I got a PR message about how great it was going to be. Then I called Allen's local office and was told I could make some phone calls Monday before election. No followup or instructions on that either. For about three fucking weeks I nearly begged for something to do, and never got much more than a form letter. Nothing further and you know the rest.
The Republican Party in Virginia absolutely sucks on organizational skills and fire in the belly, and the RNC is even worse. I made direct donations to more than a dozen candidates nationwide, and when RNC called, I told them I was tapped out, please stop calling me, I donate only directly to candidates, and even told them I would not give them a dime because they dissed the Tea Party and threw Michele Bachmann to the wolves, yet they continued to phone bank, personal call and robo call me four-six times a day for a month. I'd block the damned number and they'd call me from a different number, which tells me they have pissed poor control over their GOTV effort. I think both the Virginia and National Republican organization echos the go along get along old boy's club mentality that's too prevalent in Congress. We ought to tag it 'McBonerism'.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
11/9/12, 10:21 PM
Tom Smith said...
Damn sad. I hope the current RNC leadership gets mummified. Constitutionalists need to take over the RNC like the commies took over the Dems.
11/9/12, 11:13 PM
- Kristophr said...
Don't let your precinct person blow you off.
Run against him. Fire his ass. Use his failure to accept volunteer polling place watchers as a reason to get rid if him.
If we are going to take the Republican Party away from the losers, we need to take these precinct posts away from the clotheads.
Each county picks out delegates to send to the RNC, who decide who runs the show there. -
11/10/12, 2:41 PM
Anonymous said...
I assume they laughed when they came up with the title for his book. "All In"
11/10/12, 5:22 PM