scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Why we call them "Filthy"
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
I'll take "All of the above".
wildbill -
11/6/12, 12:47 PM
Anonymous said...
You’re dealing with a sub-species here, unfortunately for all their off spring are able to procreate.
Some are pure evil. All are stunted in adolescence.
j_c_ -
11/6/12, 12:55 PM
- Juice said...
Filthy MFCS, Liars, Liberal Baby Killers, Voter Fraud
I believe you've already covered this story. ;) -
11/6/12, 12:58 PM
Alear said...
Rodg, You mention professional Democrats are utterly without conscience; without moral underpinnings; without regard for the law, US Constitution.
Gotta give them a chance to supersede themselves, it's barely noon in Chicago. Let's see them march the dead across into Wisconsin, coz that's gonna get my vote. -
11/6/12, 1:00 PM
- Mile 66 said...
Abortionist NARAL ad featuring children, the ones that got away.
11/6/12, 1:04 PM
Alear said...
Sadly, this one could have been predicted:
"Belmont MA (Romney's precinct); 30 minute wait in the cold at 7am. Higher turnout than in the Scott Brown election of 2010 but lower than 2008. Elizabeth Warren supporters all over the town this morning...I think the democrat machine was awakened by Brown's victory in 2010 and will not let that happen again this year. They seem to be out in force in my reliably democrat precinct." -
11/6/12, 1:25 PM
- leelu said...
Personally. I think Panetta needs that smirky smile wiped of his face with the butt of an M-16.
I'm not advocating it, nor do I have plans to do so. But in a truly just world... -
11/6/12, 1:27 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
The thinking is that Mass voters would prefer Scott, but cannot bear the thought of a Republican Senate. So they will elect the moron. Nothing new to see here. Move along.
11/6/12, 1:48 PM
Alear said...
1. When both Rasmussen and Gallup say +1 [for Romney], it’s +1.
2. There's almost no chance a president gets reelected with the economy in this shape. -
11/6/12, 2:27 PM
Anonymous said...
"Mommie, please vote for Obama so I will have the right to abort your grandchild!"
What they lack in sense of irony they more than make up for in a lack of conscience.
Freddie Sykes -
11/6/12, 3:08 PM
Alear said...
Heya Rodg, if you weren't already banned in commie rat-bastidd Red China, this'd move the chains. Very funny.
11/6/12, 3:34 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
link don't work Alear
11/6/12, 3:49 PM
- Jess said...
They're not human any longer, so they can now be treated as varmints. In some counties, I think there will be a bounty.
11/6/12, 3:51 PM
Alear said...
Hrmm, still very funny. Try this?
11/6/12, 4:03 PM
- Mike C said...
Let's see, i'll give it a try. Top left - that just an irritation and useless as it will just piss off the GOP broken glass voters. Top right, funny and stupid, and illustrates why BJ will always be BJ. Bottom left, sad - but the liberals I know that do that are really beyond anyone's help. Every one I know has a story of woe about how rough their childhood was. As so it goes...
That leaves the bottom right. As a veteran, it makes my blood boil to think that piece of excrement is head of DoD and somehow thinks it's a virtue that they are withholding those ballots. The only ones who are literally putting their lives on the line for this administration don't get a chance to say who they work for? It would be one thing if they didn't care, but they had to ask for those ballots - F-Me!
What really burns me is it is pointless. Those ballots ultimately won't make a difference in the outcome of the election. But I suspect that it's not about that. Suppose some enterprising analysis looked at who those votes would go for. While they know theoretically how the votes would go, having it actually occur would be, ah, uncomfortable. -
11/6/12, 4:08 PM
Anonymous said...
smirky smile wiped of his face with the butt of an M-16
M-1 or M-14 is a much better butt stroker. Hits with real authoritative thudcrunch, not a plastic rattle.
Huge turnout at my Richmond Virginia precinct. Rep sample ballot was yellow, line was a long yellow ribbon.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
11/6/12, 4:17 PM