Friday, December 14, 2012

Spam Control

Why We Can't Have Nice Things

Res Ipsa Loquitor

I take it that I was the last blog on earth that didn't require a CAPTCHA drill to comment.  Starting last week the number of daily spam messages went from 2-3 a day to 2-3 dozen.  That tells me that I have "SUCKER" written on my forehead, so for the next month we're back to that hurdle.  Sorry.  The misspellings in these spam indicate Oriental origin, so the odds are that it's more mischief by the Red Commie Yellow Horde. Why we can't have nice things anymore.


Juice said...

Gotta do whatya gotta do.

leelu said...

...noticed an up-tick of it on leelu's place last week. (Nothing as massive as a widely-read blog as yours, I'm sure.) Noticed mine were on older posts, so I just enabled comment moderation for older posts.

But, as Juice says...

(Good thing I got new glasses!)

Anonymous said...

Much better than your last try which had a background that obscured the text.

One site uses a "complete a simple math equation" filter but that would keep both robots and lib-tards out.

Freddie Sykes

Tom Smith said...

Gives me a chance to rethink my dumb comments as I enter and re-enter the Captcha stuff I cant seem to read. And you can forget any drunk responses

pdwalker said...

if you refresh the captcha enough, you'll eventually find one you can actually almost read.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

This is a Blogger Captcha deal. The only control I have over it is to turn it on and off.

I-RIGHT-I said...

It makes it hard to drink and comment Rodge, lucky me.

Anonymous said...

It's a small annoyance to get rid of a larger one.

Picture Caption: "...and your little dog, too!"

DougM said...

Tom Clancy's latest,
"Threat Vector."
Just sayin'.

markshere2 said...

Pretty sure the Pied Piper of Hamlin town had a brother in law with a rat farm.

nothing like creating a product and then creating a demand for it....

Think anti-virus software....

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