Monday, January 28, 2013

Jefferson, Webster, Kissinger and some Twat

Thomas Jefferson; Daniel Webster; Henry Kissinger; WTF?
 Hillary Clinton?

Brit Hume was as circumspect as any human could be in analyzing Hillary's tenure as Sec/State.  I—having followed her career closely, from Cattlegate, through Travelgate, FBIgate, and myriad other gates, and watched her associates in land fraud and myriad campaign frauds marched off to the hoosegow, while she skated—am unable
I would rather live in a society which treated children as adults than one which treated adults as children. — Lizard
to be more circumspect than calling her a serial liar, cheat and con man extraordinaire. 

Calling her the most evil woman in all of American history, while true, would only damage my reputation for sagaciousness, so I will here demur.  But, the same democrat media slugs who  crowned her the "greatest woman lawyer" in the land in 1992, despite being unable to cite a single achievemt, have now given us our Greatest Secretary State; again, without citation, except the word of Worst President in all History.  What a bunch of C-nts.


Anonymous said...

Strange as it is, after all this time, I can't watch Bret Beir (sp?) until the Panel. I miss Brit.

Jess said...

I think Britt's very kind description was Hillary was mediocre, at best, as Secretary of State. I guess calling her a feckless, lying sack of crap would be a little harsh, if not true.

vanderleun said...

Isn't there some sort of FCC ruling that prevents Fox from showing Juan Williams talking with Obama's dick in his mouth?

bocopro said...

Imagine Johnny Cash doing this to the tune of "The Old Rugged Cross"

At a mike one cold day sat a bitter old broad,
The picture of scheming and lies;
People love that old broad for her liberal views
Even though there’s deceit in her eyes.

Yes, they’ll vote for the bitter old broad,
‘cause they think she’s a nanny-state god;
They will cling to the bitter old broad,
Even though she’s a cheap selfish fraud.

Now the bitter old broad, in the job of SecState
Did a marvelous job, they all say.
And through Egypt’s revolt and the Libyan war
She was right on the spot every day.

She has met with each new and elected regime
To ensure that our interests are met.
Now the whole Arab Spring has blown up in her face
And we don’t know who’s running things yet.

Yes, they’ll vote for the bitter old broad,
‘cause she‘s done such a marvelous job;
They will cling to the bitter old broad,
Who said Stevens was killed by a mob.

After four years of flying all over the world
Meeting with leaders from every ‘Stan,
Are we better off now since this cankle-legged cow
Joined the regime of Barack “The Man”

Billions in foreign aid go to Muslims each year
Who defy us in each U.N. vote
While ambassadors die and our jets Egypt flies
And Iran treats us like an old goat.

But they’ll vote for the bitter old broad,
When the time comes around in 16;
They will cling to the bitter old broad,
The “I don’t know” concussion queen.

Anonymous said...

"...she's traveled, she's made the effort..." Fuck you Juan-anybody giving this crunt an ounce of credit is delusional.

Her and Obama are perfect bookends-both slimy scumbags.

I swear to God if she runs in 2016... I mean if this country or at least apparently half of it, didn't have nosed firmly pressed to Obama's asscrack, talk of the dems running either Hillary or Biden would be a laugh riot.

Makes me sick to see the depths to which we've fallen.

Anonymous said...

This is a rare instance of a leftist's delusion I can understand. You have to admit, whether or not you agree with anything she has done, Hillary hasn't made any serious mistakes. Mere competence when compared to anyone else in this administration would indeed appear to be greatness.

Anonymous said...

Hillary was so inconsequential and accomplished so little as Secretary of State, that it would be accurate to say she carried on the tradition of the two other incompetent females who occupied that position, both by virtue of their plumbing and/or skin color as opposeed to their competence.

So now we have a hat trick of sorry female Secretaries of State:
Madeline Albright, Condi Rice and Hillary Clinton.

All three left the militant muslim world stronger, and the USA foreign presence and influence weaker than when they assumed office.

Helluva job, girls.

Skoonj said...

Notice how much travel Hillary has done? She was on a sales mission, feathering her nest for after she leaves office. She will have a high speaking fee, and will make loads of speech appearances after she leaves. She will be richer than even Bill, who taught her well. He did the same thing.

Anonymous said...

My Daddy told me one time, that in a world of horse's asses, horse shit was scripture.

Sir H the Comet

Anonymous said...

Sir H, your daddy was a wise man. Boco, you're talent is wasted here. Anon 6:36, that's exactly why we live in this twatocracy, none dare call it bullshit... at least not publicly.


Anonymous said...

"...she's traveled, she's made the effort..."

The *effort* is not to "travel". The *effort* in the Job is to comprehend what you see when you're there.

+ comprehending History.



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